

Fichas sobre Photosynthesis , creado por Megan Ching el 24/03/2017.
Megan Ching
Fichas por Megan Ching, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Megan Ching
Creado por Megan Ching hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What do thylakoid membranes contain? Photosynthetic pigments eg chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids
How does the absorption spectrum related to the action spectrum? More absorption leads to more action, peaks in absorption spectrum will have corresponding peaks in the action spectrum.
What does it mean when a pigment is the photoreceptor for a process? When the pigment has an absorption spectrum that matches a process's action spectrum.
Where do photosynthesis take place in? Chloroplast
How many process do photosynthesis have? 2 . light dependent reaction and Calvin cycle (light independent)
What is the general equation of photosynthesis? Water + CO2 + Energy >>> Glucose + O2 + H20 12H2O + 6CO2 + Energy >>> C6H12O6 + 6O2 +H2O
Outline process for chemiosmosis • Photo-excited electrons are passed down from photosystem's primary electron acceptor to a series of electron carriers in the electron transport chain. • As the electrons are transported along the series of electron carriers with progressively lower energy levels, energy released from the electron transport is used to pump H+ ions from the stroma, across the thylakoid membrane, into the thylakoid space. • A proton gradient is generated, with H+ concentration being much greater in the thylakoid space than in the stroma. • H+ ions diffuse from the thylakoid space into the stroma of the chloroplast, through ATP synthase. • ATP synthase catalyses the synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi
what are the main process for Calvin Cycle CO2 Fixation PGA Reduction RuBP Regeneration
Outline CO2 Fixation • CO2 (1C) enters the calvin cycle and combines with a 5C compound called Ribulose Biphosphate (RuBP) • Catalysed by enzyme Rubisco • Forming an unstable immediate 6C compound. • Unstable 6C compound immediately splits into half to form 2 molecules of 3C compound called 3-phosphogycerate (PGA)
Outline PGA reduction • PGA is reduced to form 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL), by electrons (hydrogen) from NADPH produced from the light dependent reaction. • Energy for this step comes from ATP produced in the light dependent reaction. • For every 3 molecules of CO2, 6 molecules of PGAL is formed. • Only 1 molecule of PGAL can exit the cycle to be used by the plant cell to synthesise carbobydrates (Sugar) • The other 5 molecules of PGAL must be recycled to regenerate 3 molecules of RuBP
Outline RuBP regeneration In a complex series of reactions, the carbon skeletons of 5 molecules of PGAL are rearranged in the lsst steps of the calvin cycle, to form 3 molecules of RuBP. • Energy for these reactions come from ATP produced during the light dependent reaction. • RuBP is now prepared to receive CO2 again, and the cycle comtinues. • A total of 9 ATP and 6 NADPH is utilised to generate 1 molecule of PGAL.
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