Biodiversity of animals - Term 1


Biological terms - Term 1
Matshidiso Molete
Fichas por Matshidiso Molete, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Matshidiso Molete
Creado por Matshidiso Molete hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
evolution gradual process in which life forms change over time
aerate to introduce oxygen
gizzard a specialised stomach made of strong muscle tissue to help with digestion
phylogenetic tree branching diagram showing the inferred evolutionary relationships between species
body plan plan for the way the body of an organism is laid out
asymmetrical body plan with no axis of symmetry
sessile animals permanently attached to a substrate
radial symmetry body parts arranged regularly around a central axis of symmetry
longitudinal along the length
bilateral symmetry configuration of a body that can be divided longitudinally into two halves that are mirror images
motile capable of independent locomotion
anterior the head end
posterior end opposite the head
marine living in sea water
cephalisation an evolutionary trend in the animal kingdom toward centralisation of neural and sensory organs in the head or anterior region of the body
Germinal layer layer produced by embryonic development of different kinds of cells
mesoderm the middle layer of cells in triploblastic animals
specialised has a structure with a particular function
diploblastic animals formed from two germ layers
mesoglea a middle layer of a jelly-like material in diploblastic animals
triploblastic describing animals formed from three germ layers
coelom body cavity formed by a split in the mesoderm
acoelomate animal without a body cavity
coelomate animal with a body cavity
haemocoel a blood-filled body cavity often present in invertebrates
osculum a mouth-like opening in sponges through which water and wastes exit
paralysed cannot move
dorsoventrally referring to the view from the top to the bottom surface of an animal
hydrostatic skeleton a fluid-filled cavity under pressure
appendages parts of the body that are attached but move separately (e.g. legs)
notochord a rod of cells along the dorsal side of a chordate's embryos
protostomes during the development of the embryo the mouth develops first
deuterostomes during the development of the embryo the anus forms first
diversity having a variety of different species in an area
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