Strategy - Terrorism - Part 1


(Terrorism) Military Strategy Fichas sobre Strategy - Terrorism - Part 1, creado por SteveT el 12/05/2013.
Fichas por SteveT, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por SteveT hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Who's the author with the six points? Philip Gordon
What's the acronym for remembering Gordon's six points? FMS - CAR
What does the 'FMS' in FMS-CAR stand for? Flawed Diagnosis, Mis-Using Force, Squandering Credbility
What does the 'CAR' in FMS-CAR stand for? Conflating threats, Alienating Allies, Resource Gap
What is the genesis of Gordon's argument? US have been fighting the wrong war against AQ
What does Michael Howard argue? We should not be fighting terrorism as a war. Should be a crime.
What does Michael Howard suggest fighting a war against terrorists does? Declaring war legitimises terrorists
Who are the two authors who Prof Rainsbourgh writes for? Peter Neumann and MLR Smith
What is Neumann and Smith's argument? GWOT too reliant on the use of force and ignores political aspect
What does Bruce WHO argue? (two points) Bruce Riedel - NATO must not let Afghan slip into chaos, and must try and solve Israel/Arab conflict
What does Sarah WHO say are the three objectives of AQ? Sarah Zabel. New Caliphate, get rid of US influence in ME
What strategies does Sarah WHO say AQ can employ? Passive and active
What does Sarah WHO say are the two AQ drivers? Third crusader movement and democracy being incompatible with Islam
Who outlines the 3 AQ objectives? What was his position? Sayf al-Adel – AQ Security Chief
What does Sayf al-Adel say are the three AQ objectives for 9/11? Hit the head of the snake to smash its arrogance. Create the emergence of new world leadership. Prompt the serpent to come out of its hole
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