

(Development) Psychology Fichas sobre Intelligence, creado por Craig Wilkinson el 17/04/2017.
Craig Wilkinson
Fichas por Craig Wilkinson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Craig Wilkinson
Creado por Craig Wilkinson hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is intelligence? A hypothetical mental ability that enables people to direct their thinking, adapt to their circumstances and learn from their experiences. It is a psychological construct; inferred rather than observed directly.
Define IQ. The intelligence quotient is an index of an individual's intelligence score. It falls on a normal distribution with a mean of 100.
Define g. General intelligence is the concept of intelligence as a single factor that influences all cognitive functioning.
Define fluid intelligence. A fundamental factor in intelligence that represents the ability to think and reason on your feet; does not require previous knowledge, but rather a pure, culture-free element of performance.
Describe the single construct explanation of intelligence, 'g' determines how you perform on each ability, which correlates with how good you perform on other activities.
Describe the multiple constructs explanation of intelligence. A classical gf and gc combo. Intelligence is both your cognitive functioning and stored factual information. Simply, academic smart and life smart.
What are some issues with the IQ test? 1) Altered to fit a normal distribution. 2) No clear definition of intelligence 3) Effects of nurture
What is the influence of nature/nurture on intelligence? Twins studies found that there was a stronger correlation between MZ twins reared apart than non-twin siblings reared together. Other studies suggest a larger nurture influence; both are important.
What biological factors might affect intelligence? 1) Nutrition; vitamins etc for brain development 2) lead 3) prenatal factors
How might the family environment affect intelligence? 1) enriched environment 2) family size 3) birth order 4) socio-economic status
How might education affect intelligence? Length of schooling
What is the Flynn effect? Systematic increase in IQ scores observed over the 20th century.
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