Differences between Hungary(1956) and Czechoslovakia(1968)


IGCSE (6)How secure was the USSR'S control over Eastern Europe?) World History Fichas sobre Differences between Hungary(1956) and Czechoslovakia(1968), creado por Hamza Redzuan el 20/04/2017.
Hamza Redzuan
Fichas por Hamza Redzuan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hamza Redzuan
Creado por Hamza Redzuan hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Similarities and Differences between Hungary(1956) and Czechoslovakia(1968) -
CAUSES(Similar): Both had a long-term resentment of Soviet Rule CAUSES(Different): Rebellion in Poland inspired Hungary to act. Economic depression and a desire for political change affected Czechoslovakia
AIMS OF REBELS(Similar): Both wanted their ppl to have more rights and lessen control of communist state AIMS OF REBELS(Different): Hungary wanted to withdraw from Warsaw Pact and Soviet influence. Czechoslovakia did not go to that extreme.
INTERVENTION OF Soviet Union(Similar) S.U. suspicious and feared any form of rebellion/change would spread and lead to a split in its control in other countries INTERVENTION OF Soviet Union(Different) Political nature of Czech was dangerous for the Soviets. Faced ppl-led rebellions b4 in Hungary but 'Prague Spring' started by those who were meant to be under Soviet control
RESPONSE OF EACH STATE TO SOVIET INTERVENTION(Similar): Both leaders removed from office and both resulted in. mass emigration. RESPONSE OF EACH STATE TO SOVIET INTERVENTION(Different): Hungarians armed themselves and fought when attacked. Czech gov gave order to not fight back but protests inc. suicides after Russian invasion occurred
GLOBAL REACTION(Similar): Reactions were entirely -ve to Soviet use of force. Hungary situation discussed at the UN. Soviet actions in Czech condemned by diff. countries inc. the USA. GLOBAL REACTION(Different): Some members of communist Warsaw Pact were shocked at Soviet actions with Czech invasion. Romanian leader complained abt Russian intervention.
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