Creado por Antonia Rout
hace casi 8 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Physical defence responses to resist invasion of micro-organisms | Cellulose cell walls - prevents entry of micro-organisms/prevents animals eating it. Toguh waxy cuticle on leaves - prevents entry of micro-organisms/prevents animals eating it. Layers of dead cells around stems (bark on trees) which fall off - cells pall off taking pathogens with them. |
Chemical plant defence responses | Antibacterial chemicals - prevents bacteria growing. Poisons to deter herbivores - put off animals that would eat them. |
Mechanical adaptations | Thorns and hairs deter animals - put off animals from eating/touching them. Leaves which droop or curl when touched - insects fall off or are scared off. Mimicry to trick animals - leaves look like they already have eggs on them which prevents butterflies laying eggs on the leaf. |
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