American History - Truman - Quiz


A-Level Unit 2Q - Prosperity, Inequality And Superpower Status
Courtney Ward
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Courtney Ward
Creado por Courtney Ward hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What did the G.I Bill of Rights aim to do? Easing the return of soldiers
How did the G.I Bill of Rights help? Provided unemployment benefit for a year loans for education, farms, housing & business 1945-55, $20 billion - help 7.8 million veterans
What did the Employment Act do? Gave a commitment to max. employment Required President to give an annual report to Congress on the economy & recommend necessary actions
How successful was the economy? Beginning to pick up end of 40s 1947 = 1/2 manufacturing output of world Baby Boom= massive market for domestic products, foundation of economic strength GI Bill & Wages - returning soldiers has money to pump back into economy
Why did Truman win the 1948 Presidential Election? Support from Trade Unions & Working Class African-American Vote Impact of Cold War - Truman = strong anti-communism Republican Campaign = Poor Truman's Strategy = Strong
What was the 'To Secure These Rights' report in 1947? 1946 Committee established by Truman wrote the report - looking into violence against African-Americans Deliberately picked liberals Highly Controversial
What other, more symbolic actions, did Truman make towards Civil Rights? Appointed a black judge to Federal Court & a black governor Desegregated Washington DC airport Established CGCC Integrated inauguration celebrations
What were the 'five D's' Germany was to undergo after WWII? Demilitarization De-Industrialization Decentralization Democratization Denazification
What would happen to Germany as agreed at the Potsdam Conference? Divided into 4 zones of occupation Berlin was to be similarly divided
What were the 5 main consequences of the Berlin Blockade? 1. Psychological boost to West 2. USSR failed to stop unification of West & regain Berlin 3. Formation of NATO 4. Division of Germany - remain this way until 1990 5. Development of the arms race
What was the significance of NSC-68? Saw the world split in two Viewed USSR aim as world domination Suggested US policy should be changed from Containment to Roll-back & persuaded Truman to adopt a more aggressive stance
What were the 5 main causes of US involvement in Korea? 1. Post-War division of Korea 2. Context of the Cold War 3. Domino Theory 4. US Domestic Opinion (McCarthy) 5. US Foreign Policy
What does RDC stand for & what was it? Representative Democratic Council Formed Feb 1946; it was a group of Korean political parties that was dominated by Rhee It failed to bring about a solution for Korea
What was UNTCOK & what was it intended to do? UN Temporary Commission On Korea Oversee elections to be held in Korea by the 31st March 1948
How did Rhee respond to UNTCOK pushing ahead with elections? Rhee & RDC led a campaign against this as they felt it would lead to a permanent division of Korea
How did the U.S feel towards Korea at this moment in time? Keen to scale back direct involvement Not strategically important in wider context of Cold War the elections went ahead
By what year had Korea been completely divided? 1950 Both sides refused to compromise & wanted to unify the country under their leadership
Why did Stalin authorise North Korea to attack the South? China now an ally (gone Communist '49) Unclear nature of US policy - a speech suggested Korea outside of defensive perimeter Soviet spies acquired NSC-48 - suggested SK not vital to US
How and why was Vietnam divided? Divided as part of a post-WW2 settlement Chinese troops North (above 16th parallel) British troops South
What started problems in Vietnam? The French had ruled Vietnam before the war & wanted to re-establish control Ho Chi Minh wanted to establish an independent government under the Vietnamese Communist Party
Why was America conflicted over this? Americans were against European Imperialism BUT... Situations in Malaya, the context of the cold war & 'fall of China' meant that Communism was spreading - becoming a larger threat & dominance
What signalled the start of U.S involvement in Vietnam? America formally recognising Bao Dai's government as the legitimate ruler of Vietnam in February 1950
How was economic aid used in Vietnam under Truman? Agricultural experts were sent to increase rice production Health programme set up to counter malaria - amounted to $50m in aid (though French obstruction meant helped small no.)
How was military aid used in Vietnam under Truman? Created the VNA (though only 38,000 joined, hoped 115,000) Small number of military advisors (MAAG train VNA) Extensive Military Aid (covering 75% French costs) early 50s around $3bil.
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