

Archeology Fichas sobre Untitled, creado por alfie.clark el 14/05/2013.
Fichas por alfie.clark, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por alfie.clark hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Ancestor Previous generation - often point of hope and intercession with with natural forces West Kennet
Animism The doctrine that all objects in the universe have a soul Lascaux paintings
Art & Iconography Images used for veneration Venus Figurines, Newgrange spirals
Cremation Incineration of a dead body Bronze age - Aubrey Holes Stonehenge
Inhumation Burial of body in ground Amesury Archer
Excarnation Exposure of dead to decompose in open or defleshing of body Causewayed enclosures - windmill hill
Focus of attention Point of ceremonial emphasis for worshiper Stone henge alter stone
Funerary ritual A way of burial with added ceremony Red lady of paviland
grave goods Objects left in a burial site to accompany body
Liminal The interface between conscious and unconscious. A divide between living and dead Flag Fen
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