Timeline of key events


BA Hons (Timelines) Medieval History Fichas sobre Timeline of key events, creado por marialidd el 16/05/2014.
Fichas por marialidd, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por marialidd hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
19 December 1154 Henry II consecrated at Westminster Abbey
1154 – 1168 Robert, Earl of Leicester and Richard de Lucy made justiciars
1154 – 1162 Thomas Becket made and remained as chancellor
1162 – 1170 Thomas Becket made and remained as archbishop of Canterbury
1164 Constitutions of Clarendon
1166 Cartae Baronum Assize of Clarendon
1168 – 1178 Richard de Lucy justiciar
1169 Henry II makes his eldest son Henry the “young king” heir to England, Normandy and Anjou
1169 – 1170 Anglo-Norman colonisation and conquest of Ireland begins
1169 -1189 Richard son of Henry II is count of Poitou
1170 Inquest of the Sheriffs
29 December 1170 Murder of Thomas Becket
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