English Revision


revision for a review what order it goes in when starting a review and persauisive techniques and what they mean
Sam Burton
Fichas por Sam Burton, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sam Burton
Creado por Sam Burton hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Review Revision what are the 4 main steps of a review 1. write down the title of what you are reviewing 2. give a short summary of the piece 3. offer a critical assessment 4. in addition to analyzing
Humour Something amusing or comical
Puns Humorous use of words or a plan on words
Assertive point of view To be clear and direct in your opinions
Compare and Contrast Comparisons with other films or books
Direct Appeal "You" is often used to encourage the reader
persuasive techniques and their meaning
Emotive Language links feelings to the reader
Rule of 3 3 words or phrases which can build ideas or focus on readers attention
Anectodal Personal Story
Imperatives Instruction or Order
Rhetorical Question No Verbal response
Alliteration 3 words that start with the same letter
Structure Short sentences long sentences whats the layout like
Facts and Figures Adds Authenticity
Hyperbole Exaggeration
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