Creado por Rafa Teacher
hace más de 7 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
ANATOMY | ANATOMÍA / An understanding of human anatomy is important to a dancer. |
CELL BIOLOGY | BIOLOGÍA CELULAR / a book about cell biology |
CHECK-UP | REVISIÓN / She goes to her doctor for regular check-ups. |
CLINICAL | CLÍNICO / clinical tests/training |
DERMATOLOGY | DERMATOLÓGICO / He specialises in dermatology. |
DISABILITY | DISCAPACIDAD / a physical/learning disability |
FUNCTIONING | QUE FUNCIONA / The country does not yet have a functioning democracy. |
GET OVER | RECUPERARSE DE / It took me weeks to get over the virus. |
HIGH POINT | PUNTO CULMINANTE / His performance was the high point of the evening. |
INABILITY | INCAPACIDAD / Inability to use a computer is a serious disadvantage when you are applying for jobs. |
INFORMAL | INFORMAL / The two groups agreed to hold an informal meeting. |
INSPIRE | INSPIRAR / His confident leadership inspired his followers. |
INVESTIGATE | INVESTIGAR / The doctor investigated his symptoms. |
MISDIAGNOSE | DIAGNOSTICAR INCORRECTAMENTE / Her cancer was misdiagnosed as stress. |
MODULE | MÓDULO / We do a module on Shakespeare. |
NEUROLOGY | NEUROLOGÍA / She works in the neurology department. |
NEUROSCIENCE | NEUROCIENCIA / He wants to study neuroscience. |
OCCASIONAL | DE VEZ EN CUANDO / I enjoy the occasional curry. |
ON DUTY | DE SERVICIO / He was suspended from the force for sleeping while on duty. |
OPERATING THEATRE | QUIRÓFANO / They took him down to the operating theatre. |
OVERLOOK | PASAR POR ALTO / I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked. |
PERSIST | PERSISTIR / If the pain persists, consult a doctor. |
PRACTISING | EN FUNCIONES / She's a practising lawyer. |
PUT ON WEIGHT | ENGORDAR / I've put on a lot of weight recently. |
SUPPLEMENTARY | COMPLEMENTARIO / The website includes some supplementary exercises. |
SURGERY | CIRUGÍA / The patient had/underwent surgery on his heart. |
TIME-INTENSIVE | QUE REQUIERE TIEMPO / Learning a language is very time-intensive. |
TREATMENT | TRATAMIENTO / free dental treatment |
UNAWARE | NO SER CONSCIENTE DE ALGO / He was unaware that the police were watching him. |
UPTIGHT | TENSO / She's a bit uptight about her exams. |
WARD | SALA / a geriatric/maternity/psychiatric ward |
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