BIO Final exam


Bio Fichas sobre BIO Final exam, creado por kcklause28 el 15/05/2013.
Fichas por kcklause28, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por kcklause28 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is the goal of Agriculture? to produce a lot of food as cheaply as possibly
What are some problems farmer's face? pests, diseases, weeds drought, frost
What is the goal of Forensic Science? to solve crimes or to identify individuals using biological evidence
To produce a DNA profile scientists ______________. compare sequences in the genome that vary from person to person.
DNA profiling can be determined if? if two samples of genetic material are from a particular individual
DNA profiling has rapidly revolutionized the field of _____. Forensics
DNA profiling can be used to test what? test the guilt of suspected criminals
DNA profiling can be used to exonerate______. wrongly accused individuals
DNA profiling can be used to identify_____. tissue samples of victims
DNA profiling can be used to resolve______. paternity/maternity cases
DNA profiling can be used to identify______ and ______ contraband animal products and trace the evolutionary history of organisms.
Who developed DNA fingerprinting? and when? Alec Jeffreys, 1980's
What are the two disadvantages of Selective Breeding? It takes a longer time, and the gene pool is smaller.
What is genetic engineering? manipulation of genes for a specific goal
Genetic engineering involves the transfer of what? a gene from one species to another
What are the two advantages of genetic engineering? it takes a shorter time and the gene pool is larger
Modern Bio-Technology =_____? DNA technology
What is the enzyme used in fireflies that was transferred into tobacco to make it glow? Luciferase
Bioluminescent means what? Produces light
What is a restriction enzyme? molecular scissors that cut DNA at specific sites or sequences (palindromes)
What is a palindrome? reads the same forwards and backwards
What is a plasmid? circular DNA molecules that carry the gene of interest;
What produces a plasmid? Bacteria
What is DNA ligase? an enzyme that joins two pieces of DNA to form a recombinant DNA (hybrid DNA), works like glue
What is DNA ligase produced by? Bacteria and viruses
What is Bio-Technology? any alteration of organisms, cells, or biomolecules to achieve specific pratical goals; such as making products that will benefit humanity
Is Bio-technology new? Explain. NO, biotechnology has been used to produce wine, beer, and bread from yeast for the last 10,000 years.
Restriction enzyme cuts DNA at _______ sequence. palindromic
G CTTAA Finish the cut DNA sequence AATTC G
What are the four steps at the recognition site for a restriction enzyme? 1. restriction enzyme cuts DNA 2. DNA fragment is added from another source 3.Fragments stick together by base pairing 4. DNA Ligase joins the fragments into strands
TPA stands for? Tissue Plasmagine Activator (clot busting drug)
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