Term 2 - photosynthesis - Key terms


Flashcards on Term 2 , created by Matshidiso Molete on 25/05/2017.
Matshidiso Molete
Fichas por Matshidiso Molete, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Matshidiso Molete
Creado por Matshidiso Molete hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
photosynthesis the process that occurs in all green plants to make food
pigment a substance that has a colour
enzyme a protein that speeds up chemical reactions without being changed itself
anabolic process a chemical reaction that occurs when small, simple molecules are built up inti large, compkex molecules
synthesise to form a complex substance from simpler substances
cellular respiration procesw during which cells break up Glucose molecules to release energy that the cells can use
catalyse make reactions happen faster
optimum temperature at which something works best
denature to change the structure of proteins such as enzymes irreversibly
light phase the light dependent stage of photosynthesis that occurs in the grana of chloroplasts
dark phase the light independent stage of photosynthesis that occurs in the stroma of chloroplasts
ATP an important energy carrier in the cell
stroma the liquid inside chloroplasts
limiting factors the factors that limit the speed or rate of a process
productivity in a plant this refers to how much extra dry mass it gains over a period of time
phosphorylation to add a phosphate group to a molecule
Dephosphorylation to remove a phosphate group from a molecule
bioluminescence tha ability of a living organism to produce light thorugh a chemical reaction
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