
Fichas sobre TESOL, creado por nicolebarks el 22/05/2014.
Fichas por nicolebarks, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por nicolebarks hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Acquisition Internalizing of second language rules & vocabulary by USING them, rather than STUDYING them
Affixation Letter(s) added to beginning or ends of words to change their meaning e.g. UN-happy & move-MENT
Aim What the teacher plans to achieve, either over a course or during a lesson
Appropriacy How language is (un)suitable for a particular situation
Assessment Criteria The standards against which learner performance in a test is judged
Circumlocution Saying what you want to say in another way when you do not know the exact word or expression
Class Profile Information about learners in the class, including AGE, NATIONALITY, PREVIOUS LEARNING EXPERIENCE etc
Cognate A word that has the same origin as another. For example 'house' in English / 'Haus' in German
Cohesion Ways in which sentences and phrases are linked to create connected text
Colloquial Conversational, informal language
Concept Checking Ways of checking that learners have understood the meaning of new language
Connected Speech Spoken language in which individual words sometimes link up and change their pronunciation
Contextualize Putting new language into context so that the meaning is made clear
Continuous Assessment A system of giving a learner an overall grade based on work during a course of study rather than on one or more final exam(s)
Elicit Asking learners questions with the positive aim of discovering and demonstrating what they already know e.g. "Does anyone remember what we did last week?"
Exposure When learners hear or read language for communicative purposes, without consciously studying it
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