Creado por nicolebarks
hace casi 11 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
Acquisition | Internalizing of second language rules & vocabulary by USING them, rather than STUDYING them |
Affixation | Letter(s) added to beginning or ends of words to change their meaning e.g. UN-happy & move-MENT |
Aim | What the teacher plans to achieve, either over a course or during a lesson |
Appropriacy | How language is (un)suitable for a particular situation |
Assessment Criteria | The standards against which learner performance in a test is judged |
Circumlocution | Saying what you want to say in another way when you do not know the exact word or expression |
Class Profile | Information about learners in the class, including AGE, NATIONALITY, PREVIOUS LEARNING EXPERIENCE etc |
Cognate | A word that has the same origin as another. For example 'house' in English / 'Haus' in German |
Cohesion | Ways in which sentences and phrases are linked to create connected text |
Colloquial | Conversational, informal language |
Concept Checking | Ways of checking that learners have understood the meaning of new language |
Connected Speech | Spoken language in which individual words sometimes link up and change their pronunciation |
Contextualize | Putting new language into context so that the meaning is made clear |
Continuous Assessment | A system of giving a learner an overall grade based on work during a course of study rather than on one or more final exam(s) |
Elicit | Asking learners questions with the positive aim of discovering and demonstrating what they already know e.g. "Does anyone remember what we did last week?" |
Exposure | When learners hear or read language for communicative purposes, without consciously studying it |
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