Periodic Table


Trends, Group Characteristics, Periodic Table Properties
Elizabeth Martell
Fichas por Elizabeth Martell, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Elizabeth Martell
Creado por Elizabeth Martell hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Rows are also called... Periods
How many rows are on the Periodic Table? Seven
Columns on the Periodic Table are called... Groups
Group IA Alkali Metals
Group IIA Alkaline Earth Metals
Group VIIA Halogens
Group VIIIA Noble Gases
Characteristics of Alkali Metals highly reactive (s1)
Characteristics of Alkaline Earth metals highly reactive (s2)
Characteristics of halogens Non-metals; (p5)
Characteristics of Noble Gases stable; inert (p6)
Characteristics of transition block (d) block; metals; unfilled electron orbitals yield colorful substances
Inner transition elements (f) block; bottom of Periodic Table; Lanthanides and Actinides
Def: Ionization Energy amount of energy required to lose one valence electron and become an ion
Def: Atomic Radius distance from farthest valence electron to the nucleus of the atom
Def: Electron Affinity change in energy with gain of an electron when element is in gaseous state
Def: Electronegativity measure of attraction between atoms and electrons
Trend of Ionization Energy Left to Right (increases) Up to Down (decreases)
Largest Ionization Energy on PT Helium (farthest right and farthest up)
Smallest Ionization Energy on PT Francium (farthest left and farthest down)
Trend of Atomic Radius
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