History - Women Britian


Fichas sobre History - Women Britian , creado por alexchownahern el 22/05/2014.
Fichas por alexchownahern, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por alexchownahern hace más de 10 años

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What changed during the war for women? They ran the country while the men fought. Many linguists joined the secret service and women did all the 'manly jobs' as well as the men did them which proved themselves capable of doing this type of work. Women helped on the farms and were crucial in industry making ammunition and chemicals
What happened to women after the war? When the men returned from the war, many women lost thier jobs despite the fact that they wanted to continue. They were expected to stay at home and raise children. After the war there was a increase in marriages and many younger women wanted to stay at home rather than go out and work.
What was life like in the 1950s for women? They were constricted to gender roles which were taught from a young age. The 'Janet and John' reading scheme was one of many reading schemes that carried gender stereotypes. The scheme showed Janet doing the house work while John did more manly work.
What changed during the 1950s? 1) Government training courses for women who had contributed to the war effort were introduced but they were not paid the same as men. 2)More women joined Trade Unions which on the whole safeguarde their interests. 3) Ban on married women teaching and working in the public sector lifted. 4)Medical schools encourage to admit women and if one in 5 admissions they recieved grants, also all hospital jobs were a made avaliable for women, scholarships avaliable for women. 5) Some nurseries shut down but others continued. School dinners provided for all.
What were some issues with women in work and why did women like part time work? Stereotype of housewife still prominent. They liked part time work as it allowed them to combine some independence and a little money with their house work.
Why were some women encouraged to stay at home in the 1950s? The government were cncered about the falling brith rate and wanted young women to stay at home and bring up a family, this was one of the reasons that the family allowance act was passed in in 1947. This acts gave mothers payment if she had two or more children. John Bowbly, a paediatrician, argued that it was psychologically damaging for a child to be seperated from it's mother, he wrote a book which changed many opinions about staying at home.
Why did MP Harold Macmillan tell the British electorate that 'most of our people had never had it so good'? Unemployment had stayed low throughout the 1950s, more women were going to work, Mass production resulted in electrical goods becoming cheaper so most people could afford them and many more people now owned there houses than before.
What problems did the Royal Commission identify for women in work in 1968? - On average men were being paid 75% more than women for doing the same job. - There were a lack of nurseries for women with young children to send their children to. Women's role as the housewife was still deeply believed by many
How did women fight for equal pay during the 1960s and 70s? In the 1960s, women made up 1/3rd of the workforce but some argued that their skills weren't being utilised because of three problems: unequal pay, lack of nurseries and attitudes about marriage. 1968 - 40 women at the Ford factory in Dagenham went on strike for equal pay, after a three week strike they settled for 92% of men's pay. Fawcett society lobbied MP's, a rally in 1969 attracted 30,000 protestors. Treaty of Rome said that men and women had to have equal pay and opportunities in work. Barbara Castle, Secretary of State, tried to make an agreement between the government and companies to give equal pay. 1970 - Castle passed the equal pay act. It came into full effect in 1975.
What happened in the 70s in terms of law changes for women? The sex discrimination act was introduced in 1975. The act established an equal opportunities commission thats main duty was to promote equality between the sexes and to keep an eye on the equal pay act of 1970.
What was the Women's liberation movement? By 1970, 70 women's liberation groups in the UK. Barbara Castle, Doris Lessing (writer) and fishermen's wives in Hull campaigned for safety at see. London conductresses demanded to train as bus drivers. 1970 - National Women's conference - they demanded equal pay, 24 hour nuseries, abortion and free contraception. 1970 - Germaine Greer published the Female Eunuch which criticised the way men moulded women's psychology. 1970 - Miss World Contest was disrupted by protestors. Some people ridiculed the movement.
What 2 acts were passed in 1967 regarding women's health? Allowed the contraceptive pill to be dispensed by the NHS, it allowed omen to be freer with her sexual experience and gave her more choice. Some women took the pill without men knowing. Before the act, the pill was perscribed to some married couples by wasn't widely avaliable until 1967. The Abortion Act 1967 - Many illegal abortions took place and they were very dangerous to the health of the women. The owman and the person doing the abortion could be jailed. Some abortions were permitted in very serious circumstances, but they were not avaliable to many. Deforemed babies were being bborn when mothers took drugs during preganacy. Anglican church justified abortion if the mother's health was at risk. The 1967 abortion act allowed abortions if two doctors were in agreement that it was necessary.
WHat was the 1969 divorce reform act? Previously, only the 'innocent party' could sue for a divorce. It made the only grounds for divorce the 'irretrievable breakdown' of marriage. The matrimonial property act 1970 also helped with this as the women's work was recognised, even if it was only inside the home.
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