Politics of the USA


Fichas sobre Politics of the USA, creado por Hannah Maton el 11/06/2017.
Hannah Maton
Fichas por Hannah Maton, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hannah Maton
Creado por Hannah Maton hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Divisions in the Democratic Party 1. Progressive Democrats 2. New Democrat Coalitions/Middle-road democrats 3. 'Blue-Dog' Democrats
Progressive Democrats Liberal social agenda - supported S.C. ruling of gay marriage against states (June 2015); Critical of Iraq and Afghanistan and very opposed to military strikes on Syria - 2013; Praise Obamacare; Bernie Sanders
New Democrat COalitions Open-minded, progressive and socially liberal; Roughly centre of the Party; Pro-choice and gay marriage; Backed Iraq invasion; Hope to win back Southern Democrats; Worried about blue-collar workers' support; Bill and Hillary Clinton, O'Bama, Mary Landrieu, Bill Nelson
'Blue-dog' Democrats Feel choked by more liberal and progressive Democrats; Often against gun control and certainly Obamacare; Jim Mattheson; Represents older, white communities; Decreased numbers recently; Might as well be Republican
Factions within the Republican Party 1. Rockefeller Republicans 2. 'Main Street' Republicans 3. Social Conservatives/Neo Cons/ Religious Right 4. Libertarians
Rockefeller Republicans :More conservative on the economy and more liberal socially - gay rights, education; Urbaner; named after the wealthy family from NY; Aren't many left; RINOS
'Main Street' Repiblicans John McCain, Mitt Romney; More conservative on the economy and reasonably conservative on social issues - may very here on abortion etc.; Hardest group to classify
Religious Right Radical right group; Emerged in the 80's following Reagan's Presidency; 'Conviction politics'; Influenced by evangelical Christian groups (Christian Coalition of America); Strong on pro-life and pro-guns and pro-death penalty; Hawkish and favour military intervention - War on Terror
Libertarians Very individualist - against any govt. intervention; Almost liberal - let people be in charge of themselves; Low taxes, no minimum wage or health and safety; Strict adherence to the Constitution alone; Ron Paul
Tea Party Highly conservative group; Main aim to reduce the national debt and balance the budget and cut govt. spending; Hate Obamacare; Michelle Bachman, Rand Paul; Influence and power decreased since 2014; Started after the 2007 credit crunch; spent force like UKIP
Party Hate Stats 2014 - - 38% of Democrats hates Republicans and 43% vice versa - 50% of Progressive Democrats and 66% of Neo-Cons believe the other Pary could endager the nation
Approval Rates O'Bama - 14% - President of only half of America (Will Marshall)
More Division Stats - 20% of conservative Republicans said they'd live in a multicultural area - Bill Bishop - "clustering in communities of like-minded people"
3rd Party Examples 1. Ross Perot - 1992 and 1996 - 19% but no ECVs 2. Sanders (Vermont Senator) for the Democrats and as an Indi; Joe Lieberman of Connecticut; Angus King of Maine - 2016 3. 1840s - Know-Nothings 4. George Wallace's American Independent Party - 13% in 1968 and 45 ECVs - only one since WW2 to win a state 5. 2016 - Gary Johnson - Libertarian Party 6. 2016 - American Green Party Activist Jill Stein
3rd Party Stats 60% of independent voters said they just wouldn't vote (2016)
Congressional Party Loyalty - Not one GOP voted for Obamacare - No Democrat voted against the repeal of "Don't ask, don't tell" - Only 5 Republicans voted in favour of Elena Kagen and only one Democrat voted against her - In terms of Congressional voting records, the most conservative Demos were still more liberal than the most liberal GOP Senators
More Party Togetherness 1. Democrats '6 for 6' - manifesto? 2. Control over candidate funding - withdrawn if gone 'off message' 3. GOP banned delegates from 5 states to go to the 2012 convention for front-loading
Income 2016 - under $30,000 - Trump = 41% and Clinton = 53%
Black Votes Clinton in 2016 - 88% - 80% of black males and 94% females
Hispanic/Latinos 2016 - Clinton = 65% and Trump = 30%
Asian Vote Clinton 2016 - 65%
Religion Clinton - Jews - 71% Trump - Jews - 24% of those who voted for him were orthodox Clinton - Catholic - record low - 37%
Gender Clinton - only 54%
Age Trump - 53% of pensioners Clinton - 55% of millennials Trump - 48% of white Millennials
Region -Trump won an extra 99 ECVs in battleground states - won all the same states as Romney, plus more purple ones
Split-Ticket Voting Stats 1. 55% of Demos voted for Reagan in 1980, but made sure the House was Demo 2. 1992 - 63% of states voted the same way for Senate and President, in 2016, 100% did (34 states)
Full Federal Shut-downs 1. 2013 - 16 days - over budget 2. 1978 - 18 days 3. 1995 - 21 days
Turnout - 57.9% - Minnesota was highest with 74% - Hawaii was lowest with 24% - 2012 - highest was Minnesota with a gay marriage initiative too
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