SPARTA Sources


Fichas sobre SPARTA Sources, creado por lisajoy316 el 16/05/2013.
Fichas por lisajoy316, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lisajoy316 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
LYCURGUS- Xenophon Greatly admired Lycurgus for building a flourishing Sparta "remarkably wise man" Laws laid out for "excellent order of things"
LYCURGUS- Plutarch reforms from the oracle at Delphi "sweep away the existing order and to make a complete change to the constitution"
LYCURGUS- Michell "cannot definitely affirm his existence but equally we cannot deny it"
LYCURGUS- Andrews "Most successful frauds in history"
SPARTIATES Plutarch: numbered 10 000 Herodotus: not all equal in wealth Plutarch: only legal profession was arms
HELOTS- Thucydides "descendants of the ancient messenians" "enslaved in the great war" policy towards them was "bases entirely on the idea of security"
HELOTS- Plutarch "treated the Helots harshly and cruelly" eg. made them get drunk to make a spectacle of them
HELOTS- Barrow "Spartans were always concerned with the possibility of revolt" belonged to the land and same race, thus "more likely to join together in attempted rebellion"
ARMY- Plutarch Phalanx looked like "a ferocious beast" long hair "make the handsome better looking and the ugly more frightening"
ARMY failures- Herodotus Desserter at Thermopylae Battle Plataea- refusal to retreat
KRYPTEIA- Xenophon "made frequent night raids and killed any helot they saw"
EDUCATION- Thucydides "education was aimed at developing smart obedience, perseverance under stress and victory in battle"
EDUCATION- Plutarch "Learnt to read and write no more than was necessary"
EDUCATION- Pausanias "they fight hand to hand...bite and gouge out eyes"
WOMEN- Xenophon- function Most important function was bearing children
WOMEN- Xenophon- Education (lycurgus) "instituted contests of speed and strength parallel to those for men" Lycurgus decrees "women should take as much trouble over physical fitness as men...offspring would be more sturdy"
LYCURGUS- Herodotus "Spartan government was put under a sound basis" Temple built in his honour Dephi priestesses greeted him as divine
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Capítulo II. Ciclo de vida del proyecto
Examen Primer trimestre
Freud: Esquema del Psicoánalisis
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Mapa Conceptual - Ajedrez
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Las Figuras y Silencios
mariajesus camino
Independencia de Los Estados Unidos
FRANQUISMO (1939-1975)
Juan Cano Molina
Claudia Elena Sepúlveda Roldán
La Capilla De Los Resurrectos.
Karen Guerrero