Creado por Mallory McKewen
hace casi 11 años
Pregunta | Respuesta |
ranch riding penalty: too slow | 1 |
ranch riding penalty: blatant disobedience | 5 |
More than x-million quarter horses registered worldwide? | 5 Million |
ranch riding penalty: break of gait at lope | 3 |
ranch riding penalty: draped reins | 3 |
ranch riding penalty: overbridled | 1 |
Who has responsibility for safety? | Show management |
What is meant by enhancement of penalty? | The AQHA Executive Committee may enhance or initiate suspension, fine and/or otherwise penalize offenders of AQHA rules and regulations, and/or those of other jurisdictions |
When did AQHA begin drug testing? | 1973 |
ranch riding penalty: out of frame | 1 |
ranch riding penalty: severe disturbance of any obstacle | 3 |
Width of chin straps? | 1/2 inch |
Western prohibited equipment (3) | jerklines, tie-downs, bare metal in contact with horse's head, tack collars |
Ranch riding - 0 score: | 1. willful abuse 2. illegal equipment including hoof black, braided/banded manes, and tail extensions 3. major disobedience or schooling |
Prohibited training equipment at all shows | 1) Riding in curb bit without curb strap, wire, curbstrap with tacks/rivets or solid metal curb straps no matter how padded 2) Metal lounging hackamore 3) Chambons 4) Headstalls made of metal (even if encased) 5) Twisted rawhide or rope 6) Running martingale with curb bit/no rein stops 7) Side reins 8) Draw reins attached between or around front legs |
At the discretion of the judge, a horse may be penalized or eliminated from a class... | ... "if the horse appears sullen, dull, lethargic, emaciated, drawn or overly tired." |
approval fee per versatility ranch horse event? | 150 |
Name the VRH events (6) in their categories | 1. ranch riding, ranch trail 2. ranch reining 3. ranch cutting, ranch cow work 4. ranch conformation |
2 sessions at AQHA's annual convention: | Membership general meeting & Membership business meeting |
How long do VRH entries close before the event? | 1 week |
Who has the privilege of attending all BOD meetings? | - annually Elected directors - Past presidents - Directors Emeritus - Directors-at-Large -Honorary Vice Presidents - International District Directors - Appointed International Directors may attend but do not have voting privileges |
Throughout his/her tenure, a director must... (4) | 1. Remain an AQHA member in good standing 2. Adhere to AQHA rules and regs pertaining to membership conduct 3. Conduct themselves in an exemplary manner to favorably reflect on the BOD and AQHA 4. Refrain from conduct that is detrimental to the interest of AQHA, its programs, policies, objectives and harmonious relationship of its members |
Annual allocation formula | - Calculates # of elected directors -Based on Active Horse Population - Frozen at 150 with tolerance of 2% - Horse Population Factor = AHI/150 |
What is a Representative District? | Each US state, Canadian province, or international country having a major portion of the HPF |
When can a Representative District have an additional Elected Director? | When the RD reaches an AHI >= 1.5xHPI Formula is thus: ((Current # of EDs + 0.5)*HPF) |
Define Directors Emeritus | Individual who has, in the past, served AQHA faithfully as an Elected Director, International District Director, or Appointed International Director. Lifetime tenure. 65 years old+, served 10 cumulative years. |
how many categories must be shown in to be eligible for VRH all around? | 3 |
To be eligible for VRH all around must show in _____ class and _____ class | cattle conformation |
VRH: highest placing in which class breaks ties? | ranch cow work |
Order of tie breakers for VRH | 1. ranch cow work 2. ranch reining 3. ranch trail 4. ranch riding |
How many obstacles in ranch trail? | 6-9 |
Ranch trail should be negotiated in ___ minutes or less | 4 |
Ranch trail mandatory obstacles (6) | 1. ride over obstacles on ground 2. gate 3. sidepass 4. backing 5. rope drag 6. wooden bridge |
WELFARE - RACING | 1. boxing 2. fence work 3. roping/circling |
WELFARE - SHOWS | 1. tracking 2. rating 3. stopping |
Mandatory Trail obstacles | 1. Opening, passing through and closing gate 2. Ride over at least 4 logs or poles - straight line, curved, zigzag or raised 3. Backing obstacle - through or around at least 3 markers, L,V,U, straight |
Optional Trail obstacles | 1. Water hazard 2. Serpentine obstacles at walk or jog 3. Carry object from one part of arena to another 4. Ride over wooden bridge 5. Put on and remove slicker 6. Remove and replace materials from mailbox 7. Side pass 8. Turn in box - obstacle consisting of 4 logs or rails laid in a square 9. Any other safe and negotiable obstacle which could reasonably be expected on trail ride Combination of 2+ obstacles is acceptable |
Unacceptable Trail Course obstacles | 1. Tires 2. Animals 3. Hides 4. PVC pipe 5. Dismounting 6. Jumps 7. Rocking or moving bridges 8. Water box with floating or moving parts 9. Flames, dry ice, fire extinguisher, etc. 10. Logs or poles elevated in a manner that permits such to roll 11. Ground ties |
Dally Roping - A heading horse is judged on 4 different maneuvers | 1. Box and barrier 2. Running and rating 3. Setting and handling 4. Facing |
Dally Roping - A heeling horse is judged on 4 different maneuvers | 1. Box 2. Run and rate 3. Position 4. Stopping |
Equine research funding decisions are based on... (3 factors) | - potential benefit to the industry - potential benefit to the horse - scientific merit |
Name the violation level (1-3) Placing an object in a horse's mouth so as to cause undue discomfort or distress | 2 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Leaving a bit in a horse's mouth for extended periods of time so as to cause under discomfort or distress | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Tying a horse's head up (above withers), back or around in a stall or anywhere at an AQHA event in a manner as to cause undue discomfort or distress | 2 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Tying a horse in a stall without access to food or water for an extended period of time | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Lounging or riding a horse in a manner as to cause undue discomfort or distress to the horse | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Tying or fastening any foreign object onto a horse, halter, bridle an/or saddle in order to de-sensitize the horse | 2 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Use of training techniques or methods such as poling or striking a horse's legs with objects | 2 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Excessive spurring or whipping | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Excessive fencing | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Excessive spinning (defined as no more than 8 consecutive turns in either direction) | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Schooling over ramped oxers in reverse order | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Schooling using rails higher than 4 feet | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Use of prohibited equipment | 2 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Use of any item or appliance that restricts movement or circulation of the horse's tail | 3 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Exhibiting a horse which appears to be sullen, dull, lethargic, emaciated, drawn, or overly tired | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Intentional or negligent treatment which results in any bleeding | 3 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Unintentional bleeding | 1 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Applying excessive pressure on or excessively jerking of a halter lead shank or an allowed lip chain | 2 |
Name the violation level (1-3) Any other treatment or conduct deemed by a show official to be inhumane or abusive | 1 |
Who are the 3 parties responsible for a horse's condition? | 1. owner 2. exhibitor 3. absolutely responsible person |
Normal tail function is described as... | ... being able to raise the tail to or above the horizontal plane |
Which system/book is followed to classify prohibited substances? | American Racing Commissioners International Uniform Classification Guidelines for Foreign Substances |
Prohibited drugs could be 4 things... | 1. stimulant 2. depressant 3. tranquilizer 4. sedative |
Stimulants and depressants affect which 3 systems? | 1. cardiovascular 2. respiratory 3. central nervous system |
What is the maximum daily dose of bute (in grams and cc of the injectable) | 2.0 grams or 10cc of injectable |
Bute should not be used for more than how many successive days? | 5 |
How much diclofenac lipsomal cream can me applied to one site each 12 hours? | 73mg |
How many successive days can Dicloefenac (Surpass) be used? | 10 |
Flunixin (Banamine) maximum plasma concentration? | 1.0 microgram per ml |
How much flunixin can you give? (both mg and cc) | 500mg (granules or oral paste) 10cc injectable |
How many successive days can Flunixin be used for? | 5 |
Fee for a new show request? | $50 |
Region 1 Mileage Range? | 450 miles |
Region 2 mileage range | 400 miles |
Regions 3 and 9 mileage range | 350 miles |
Regions 4,5,6 mileage range | 200 |
Regions 7,8,10 mileage range | 500 |
Application fee: 5000+ entries | $1500 |
Application fee: 2500-4999 entries | $1000 |
Application fee: 1,000-2,499 entries | $750 |
Application fee: 500-999 entries | $500 |
Application fee: 250-499 entries | $250 |
Application fee: <249 entries | $150 |
Application fee: Introductory, Level 1, Ranch horse, Special event, or NEW show | $150 |
Application fee: Dressage/EWD | $50 |
Approval late fees: 90-119 days prior to show | $200 |
Late fee: 60-89 days prior to show | $400 |
Late fee: <59 days prior to show | $1,000 and subject to denial |
What are the 6 Ranch Horse classes? | Riding Cow Conformation Trail Cutting Reining |
It is strongly recommended that the judge work no more than ___ hours in one day. | 10 |
Cases where an AQHA judge may charge less than $200: | Novice show EWD VRH Special Events |
Which classes are all-age only (3) | Jumping Team Penning Ranch Sorting |
Stallions may not be shown in any youth class with the exception of (14+): | Dominican Republic South/Central America |
Show management (US and Canada) will be fined at least $____ per day for every day their show results are late after ____ days after the closing day of said show | 50 10 |
The fine for every hour a show runs over 15 hours shall be | $100 |
In what year did the registries change from "numbered, permanent, tentative, old appendix, new appendix"? | 1962 |
Which registries exist today? | Numbered Appendix |
AQHA mailing address postal code: | 79168 (PO Box 200) |
AQHA overnight delivery address: | 79104 (1600 Quarter Horse Drive) |
AQHA Phone Number | 806-376-4811 |
Cancelled parents shall be designated as: | "unknown" |
Thoroughbreds used for breeding after January 1, ____ must comply with AQHA white requirements and AQHA may require ____ colour photographs clearly showing white markings | 1997;4 |
Inspection fee for excessive white: | $50 |
Give 3 reasons why parentage may need to be verified through genetic testing | 1. Either of the parents was less than 2 years of age at the time of conception 2. It was the result of an embryo/ooctyte transfer 3. It was conceived by the use of cooled transported semen 4. It was conceived by the use of frozen semen 5. It was more than 48 months of age by the time application for registration was made 6. Its dam was exposed to more than one stallion within a 30 day time period 7. It has white markings exceeding the limitations 8. It is foaled January 1, 2007, or after and is a descendant of Impressive |
How many characters are allowed for a horse name? | 20 |
A name may be reused if all of the criteria are met by the horse originally issued the name: (GIVE 3) | 1. is deceased as evidenced by AQHA records 2. does not have a performance record (show or race) 3. has not received any AQHA special achievement recognition award or alliance recognition that appear on AQHA records as an award 4. does not have offspring with a performance record (show or race) nor any AQHA special achievement recognition that appear on AQHA records as an award 5. does not have produce or get under 10 years of age |
For horses foaled after January 1, _____, any undesirable trait or condition commonly considered a 'Genetic Defect' shall be recorded on the registration certificate. | 1992 |
Which 4 conditions make a horse ineligible for the numbered registry? | parrot mouth cryptorchidism HYPP excessive white |
3 conditions for an appendix to advance into the numbered registry | 1. the horse has qualified for Register of Merit in AQHA-approved events not restricted in any way (Open, not youth or amateur). 2. AQHA has received a signed statement from a licensed veterinarian certifying that the horse does not have a parrot mouth 3. if the horse is a stallion, AQHA has received a signed statement from a licensed veterinarian stating it is not a cryptorchid |
"Outstanding by performance or produce" | superior event horse or offspring with superior |
A genetic type must be on file with AQHA for any mare foaled on or after Jan 1... | 1989 |
Any stallions having ___ or more mares on their 2014 breeding report are required to have a genetic disease panel test on file prior to the registration of their foals resulting from breedings after 2014. | 25 |
How many days must elapse between exposure to different stallions for foals to be eligible for registration? | 30 |
Mission Statement (key terms) | 1. record and preserve pedigrees 2. beneficial services 3. diverse educational programs 4. generate growth of membership 5. humanely |
AQHA's limited objective | level playing field |
Who has absolute responsibility? | 1. owner 2. trainer 3. exhibitor 4. participant |
AQHA implemented drug testing in: | 1973 |
Tail Testing seminar at Colorado State University: | 1992 |
Non-AQHA shows subject to testing: | 1993 |
3 criteria for equine research funding decisions | 1. scientific merit 2. potential benefit to industry 3. potential benefit to horse |
Year of first QH Journal? | 1948 |
Aqha has been on TV for... | 30 years |
What date can a 2yo start showing? | July 1 |
In which open classes are the points on the exhibitor and not the horse? (2) | halter cattle |
In which classes does equipment failure NOT result in DQ? | working hunter jumping |
western bit max shank length | 8 1/2 |
diameter range for western bit mouth piece | 5/16 - 3/4 |
Snaffle bit ring - max diameter | 4" |
Spacing between reining and free hand on romal reins | 16" |
In which classes can closed reins be used with snaffle? (5) | 1. ranch riding 2. reining 3. boxing 4. VRH 5. WCH |
English maximum port | 1 1/2" |
pleasure driving mandatory equipment (4) | 1. whip 2. light horse breast collar harness 3. standard bridle 4. overcheck or check reins |
3 signs of obvious lameness: | 1. consistently observable at trot 2. marked nodding, hitching, shortened stride 3. minimal weight bearing |
Priority of evaluation for western gaits: (3) | 1. correctness 2. quality 3. degree of difficulty |
Halter judging characteristics (4) | 1. balance 2. structural correctness 3. breed and sex characteristics 4. degree of muscling |
Balance is influenced almost entirely by ... | ... skeletal structure |
which 5 pleasure classes do not require extended jog | 1. novice 2. youth 11u 3. youth 13u 4. 2yo 5. select |
Western pleasure: faults for DQ (2) | 1. head to low 3. over flexing or straining of neck so the nose is behind the vertical consistently. |
4 ranch riding required maneuvers | 1. walk, trot, lope each direction 2. extended lope and trot at least one direction 3. stops 4. back |
ranch riding optional maneuvers (4) | 1. sidepass 2. lead change 3. walk, trot, lope over pole 4. turns of 360 or more |
Pentalty in VRH roping if exhibitor does not catch | 5 |
Limited ranch cow work exhibitors are allotted ____ to complete the work. | 1m 45s |
Therapeutic medication hotline | 1-800-633-2472 |
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