A04- The Tempest by William Shakespeare


Flash cards for context of The Tempest
Fichas por charlottedarling, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por charlottedarling hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
The Tempest was written by who and when? -William Shakespeare - 1611, one of his last plays
The Tempest's Genre was... A Tragicomedy
Part of a group of four plays called... 'Shakespeare's romances' Written at the end of his career Including Winter's Tale
Social structure C.17th Century and how Tempest questions this... Great Chain of Being- Heirarchical system where God-> King->Man->Woman->Animal
"The Tempest" More than just a title...? Although based on tempest that occurs at the beginning the play, symbolic Tempest occur throughout the whole play- personal and public, real and imagined.
From Christopher Colombus to the Virginia Company Exploration to colonialism C.C. discovered America in 1492 Trade and Natural resources Trading company set up colony where slavery occured
The play is based on... Virginia Company's voyage to America Ship ran in to a storm and sank 150 passengers swam to safety in what is now know as Bermuda Were there for 9 months
Caliban representative of... Native Americans Original inhabitant of Island which was taken from him- "The island's mine, by Sycorax my mother, which thou takest from me." Treated/ presented as savage and uncivilised
Montaigne famously wrote what essay? "On the Cannibals" Montaigne asserts that what is natural is synonymous with what is good, and that Nature herself ought to be the light by which human action is guided.
Why Montaigne clashes with what Shakespeare presents in The Tempest Montaigne praises the cannibals and places blame on modern Europeans. Shakespeare asserts that neither the cannibals nor the Europeans deserve praise – except a few rare individuals, they are both equally pathetic. He is also unsympathetic towards Caliban
The women of the play live in a *what* society? (Miranda subverts this!) Patriarchal Society Definition: A social system in which males are the primary authority figures central to social organization, occupy roles of political leadership, moral authority and control of property, and where fathers hold authority over women and children.
The way Ferdinand treats Miranda is an example of...? Courtly Love A traditional motif of romance whereby a male of high status, concerned with honour and reputation, uses chivalry, poetic language and suffer for their 'love'.
Word for "good" and "bad" magic? Alchemy and Goetry Alchemy= turning base metal in gold, sifting out the impurities Prospero said to be using alchemy for the Kings men "who now lie foul and muddy"
(Sneaky A03) Malcolm Hebron's view on alchemy is "Interestingly, in alchemy... ... a tempest is a term for sifting out impurities from a mixture."
3 elements of a Tragicomedy -Its principle elements were pastoral settings. -Misunderstandings about love -Potentially tragic consequences that are happily avoided by some magical intervention
3 elements of Shakespeare's Romances 1. Magic and Fantasy 2. A wandering journey 3. Concept of loss and recovery
Characters that challenge the Great Chain of Being? -Miranda -Boatswain - Caliban
Was Montaigne criticising or praising/ supporting cannibals? No or Pro? PRO Praises them for being "Wild Fruits" From nature and are not tainted by modern, supposedly 'civilised' values. No artificiality.
What was the NEW WORLD? The Western Hemisphere- America Established when began finding these places having previously thought they did not exist. C. 17th Century
(Sneaky A03 take 2) Walter Cohen about imperialism "The Tempest uncovers perhaps despite itself, the racist and imperialist bases of English nationalism."
A Renaissance Magnus Prospero. Someone who understands the cosmos and devotes himself to the pursuit of wisdom Good- Working with god/ elements to help Bad- Using magic in a selfish way
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