The Fall of Rome Causes


Mapa Mental sobre The Fall of Rome Causes, creado por abiSOla el 12/06/2014.
Mapa Mental por abiSOla, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por abiSOla hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Fall of Rome Causes
  1. Weakening of Economy
    1. inflation
      1. unemployment
        1. cost of government and military increased
          1. pirates and barbarians disrupted trade
            1. welfare system
              1. lots of food shortages due to overworked land
                1. population decline
                  1. taxes were raised
                  2. Military Causes
                    1. soldiers had their loyalty to their general instead of to Rome
                      1. poorly trained armies
                        1. threat of huns
                          1. series of germanic invasions
                            1. corruption
                            2. Political Causes
                              1. corruption
                                1. empire was getting bigger, harder to control
                                  1. loss of popular support
                                    1. division of empire
                                      1. unloyal military
                                        1. lack of organized system of succesion
                                        2. social causes
                                          1. rich getting richer, poor getting poorer
                                            1. population decline
                                              1. rise of christianity
                                                1. increase in rebellions
                                                  1. bread and circus
                                                    1. loss in sense of patriotism
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