Russia 1894 - 1917 Long-term Causes of the Russian Revolution


Part of our series of the fall of the Romanovs, this mind map provides an overview of the underlying structural causes that we to lead to the Russian Revolution. A really useful study guide that gives a quick overview for reference and re-enforces learning.
Andrew Burke
Mapa Mental por Andrew Burke, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Andrew Burke
Creado por Andrew Burke hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Russia 1894 - 1917 Long-term Causes of the Russian Revolution
  1. Proletariat
    1. Russia was industrialising, but workers were poor and oppressed
      1. Bloody Sunday 1905
        1. Cossacks attacked the strikers
          1. Proletariat went on a peaceful strike to request help from the Tsar
        2. Disunity
          1. Multiple languages, nationalities and religions in the country
          2. Bourgeois
            1. Representative of the new middle classes - called Kadets
              1. Wanted Russia to have a constitution like England
                1. 1905 revolution led Tsar to create a Duma (parliament), did not have any real power
                2. Autocrat
                  1. The running of the Russian government, by Tsar Nicholas II alone, was too much
                  2. Size
                    1. Russia was too big a territory to rule
                      1. 1913
                        1. The empire was 4,000 miles long
                          1. 125 million people
                        2. Development
                          1. Underdeveloped
                            1. Few roads and limited industrialisation
                              1. Majority of the population were peasants
                              2. Revolutionaries
                                1. Split into various groups: Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks
                                2. Weak
                                  1. Militarily weak
                                    1. Lost the Russo-Japanese War in 1904
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                                    Animal Farm CONTEXT
                                    Lydia Richards2113
                                    Animal Farm Chapter Overview
                                    Revolutions and Turmoil: Russia 1905-1917
                                    Emily Faul
                                    Key terms for Russian Revolution
                                    Russia 1917 Revolution and Consequences
                                    Russia 1894-1921: 1905 Revolution
                                    Lewis White
                                    End of the Tsars
                                    Opposition to Tsarism
                                    Amy Platt
                                    Russian Revolution
                                    Revolutions and Turmoil: Russia 1905-1917