input and output devices


Mapa Mental sobre input and output devices, creado por megan.hurst el 21/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por megan.hurst, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por megan.hurst hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

input and output devices
  1. memory cards.
    1. store large files.
      1. only can have data written on them
      2. magnetic tape, works similar to a hard disk
        1. Hard disk - data can be held, and also moved.
          1. speakers - display sound such as music files.
            1. Thermal printer - heated so the paper turns black.
              1. Laser printer - images are printed quickly.
                1. inkjet printer - creates black and white prints.
                  1. data projector - takes a video signal amd projects it into a surface.
                    1. Computer monitor - visual display of informatiomn created by the computer
                      1. voice regonition - changes spoken language into text.
                        1. Microphone - captures sound and convents into eletrical signals of digital microphones.
                          1. digital camera - creates a digital image
                            1. joystick - stick inside a bass unit.
                              1. keyboard - enter text
                                1. mice - controls on what you click on
                                  1. touch screen devices - a keyboard on a computer screen.
                                    1. remote storage - storing back up data
                                      1. could get stolen
                                        1. could get lost
                                        2. DVD - store high quality notes
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