Prototyping: Learning Through Doing


De que manera podemos materializar nuestra ideas en un prototipo
Prince Martinez
Mapa Mental por Prince Martinez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Prince Martinez
Creado por Prince Martinez hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Prototyping: Learning Through Doing
  1. Prototyping is a way to generate new and better ideas…to help us move from abstract to concrete… a way to improve an idea before implementation…a method that enables us to fail earlier and often, but to succeed sooner.
    1. What is prototyping?
      1. Prototyping seeks out, develops and tests novel solutions to problems.”
        1. Co- create
          1. Coneecting
            1. legitimises and contains experimentation
              1. creates energy and buy-in around change
                1. Education principle
              2. What can we prototype?
                1. Relationships
                  1. Role-playing internet volunteer support role.
                  2. Journeys and pathways
                    1. Storyboarding a new car hire service.
                    2. Objects and environments
                      1. Desktop prototyping with mothers to explore a new in-school healthy weight learning zone.
                      2. Communications
                        1. Testing the most motivating way to present information online – through paper exercises.
                      3. Practising prototyping
                        1. Why
                          1. In this exercise, you will learn all about how prototyping can help your team.
                          2. How
                            1. Seek to use this activity
                              1. Be agile
                                1. Get people building on your idea
                                2. Printing
                                  1. On the next page, you’ll find the ‘office pets’ story board to show you how this template can be used.
                                3. Defining your prototype
                                  1. How
                                    1. Using the prototype space tool, you will be looking at your ideas:
                                      1. Core Functiolns
                                        1. Key Questions
                                    2. Prototype planning
                                      1. Why
                                        1. This tool will help you with planning the practicalities of doing your chosen prototyping activity.
                                        2. How
                                          1. What are the steps that are necessary do to the prototype well? • Who needs to be involved? • When should it happen? • Who should be responsible? • What resources (time, money, tools) are needed?
                                        3. Prototype monitoring and iteration
                                          1. How
                                            1. Use this tool with your team after you have completed your first prototyping activity in order to: • focus on learning from prototypes • explore your principles • seek out interesting risks • iterate
                                        4. Prototyping tools
                                          1. Paper prototyping
                                            1. Deskop prototyping
                                              1. Personas
                                                1. Satoryboarding
                                                  1. Repleplay adn freese frame
                                                    1. Touching prototyping
                                                      1. Experience protoyping
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