
Mapa mental Ingles
Karen Agudelo
Mapa Mental por Karen Agudelo , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Karen Agudelo
Creado por Karen Agudelo hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Starting Information
    1. *How to navigate in the classroom *Course agenda *Course presentation *Duties and rights *Course News * Course general forum
    2. Knowledge evironment
      1. We found the articles and information needed to develop the proposed activities
      2. Collaborative learning environment
        1. space in which we interact with other peers and tutor for the development of group activities
        2. Practice learning environment
          1. for the development of practical activities
          2. Monitoring and evaluation environment
            1. monitoring of activities ratings
            2. Students Management environment
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              EXAMEN "SINCE Y FOR"
              Prof. Vanesa Garcia
              Meredith Inchaustegui
              Meredith Inchaus
              English II
              Victor Fernandez
              INGLES II 90021A_360 Mind Map by JoséManuel Medina Basto
              José Manuel Medina Basto
              INLES II
              Laura Coronado
              Nivel II
              Rafael Chirivi
              INGLES II Group 90021_251 Christian Eduardo Domínguez Gutiérrez
              Christian Eduardo Domínguez Gutiérrez
              COURSE INGLES II
              Diana Villarruel