Deveolopment of Social Networking


Mapa Mental sobre Deveolopment of Social Networking, creado por Osvaldo Arce Martinez el 11/09/2017.
Osvaldo Arce Martinez
Mapa Mental por Osvaldo Arce Martinez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Osvaldo Arce Martinez
Creado por Osvaldo Arce Martinez hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Deveolopment of Social Networking
    1. H15
      1. HI5 is another important social network established in 2003 where users can configure their profiles to be viewed only by members of their network or by Hi5 users in general
      2. Friendster
        1. Friendster was a social gaming site fondudo a 2002 The site was founded by Canadian computer programmer Jonathan Abrams It was one of thefirst of these sites to be the first to publish more than 1 million members
        2. Myspace
          1. MySpace was founded in 2003 and in 2006 it had grown to be the most popular social network to differentiate itself from competitors, allowing users to completely customize the look of their profiles. Users post music from artists on MySpace and embed videos from other sites in their profiles.
          2. LIKEDIN
            1. It was founded in 2003 and was one of the first major social networks dedicated to business originally LinkedIn allowed users to post a profile and to interact through private messaging.
            2. Facebok
              1. started as a Harvard social network only in 2004, quickly expanded worldwide (in 2006). Facebook became the most popular social networking site, surpassing MySpace, and continues to grow. Facebook does not allow the same kind of customization that MySpace does. Facebook, however, allows users to post photos, videos and otherwise customize their profile content
            3. Niche social networks
              1. NING
                1. Media sharing
                  1. Photobucket
                    1. Flickr
                      1. You Tube
                        1. Revver
                        2. socil new and bookmarking
                                      1. ursernets
                                        1. LIFE STREMING AND LIFECSTING
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