My favorite weekend activities...


Mind Map on My favorite weekend activities..., created by kristine talacay on 17/09/2017.
kristine talacay
Mapa Mental por kristine talacay, actualizado hace más de 1 año
kristine talacay
Creado por kristine talacay hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

My favorite weekend activities...
  1. Watching youtube vlogs
    1. Make up tutorials
      1. Skin care routine
    2. Buying some kaartehan stuff
      1. Window shopping in sm malls
      2. Cleaning my room
        1. Playing with my dogs
          1. Talking with him via phone call all time of the day
            1. Dancing while looking at myself in the mirror...
              1. Eating my favorite food and snack
                1. Relaxing myself
                  1. Taking off all the problems I keep in my mind
                  2. Listening to my favorite songs
                    1. Surfing internet
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