Second Quarter Layout


Mapa Mental sobre Second Quarter Layout, creado por Rafael Arias el 19/09/2017.
Rafael Arias
Mapa Mental por Rafael Arias, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Rafael Arias
Creado por Rafael Arias hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Second Quarter Layout
  1. Learning Objectives
    1. Students will be able to describe the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance based on the social unrest of the times.
      1. Students will be able to discuss European colonialism and its effects based on economic and social beliefs.
        1. Students will be able to construct life stories of the Transatlantic Slave Trade using primary sources.
          1. Students will be able to assess global inequality caused by colonialism and slavery.
          2. Project
            1. Dramatization
              1. Mini Lesson
                1. News Report
                  1. Podcast
                  2. Exam Topics
                    1. Causes and origins of the Renaissance
                      1. The Ideals of Enlightenment and the Renaissance
                        1. European colonialism and its economic and social effects
                          1. Transatlantic Slave Trade
                            1. Interpreting and using primary sources
                              1. Global inequality
                                1. Measures of global inequality
                                2. Quizzes
                                  1. Causes and origins of the Renaissance
                                    1. Using primary sources
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                                    La Biología
                                    maya velasquez
                                    CÁLCULOS con [ 3 · 5 · 7 ]
                                    JL Cadenas
                                    Test de Conocimiento General
                                    Diego Santos
                                    Preguntas del Pensamiento Matemático
                                    Diego Santos
                                    Campo magnético
                                    Diego Santos
                                    maya velasquez
                                    Propiedades Periódicas y Enlaces Quimicos
                                    JORGE LEOBARDO PACHECO GAYOSSO
                                    MATEMÁTICAS SECUNDARIA
                                    Ulises Yo
                                    Prueba Matematicas
                                    Deisy Medina
                                    Uso De Los Tiempos Verbales
                                    Laura -
                                    V. LA GOBERNANZA DEL SISTEMA EDUCATIVO