Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.


Mapa Mental sobre Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify., creado por Kithai Zen-choi el 22/09/2017.
Kithai Zen-choi
Mapa Mental por Kithai Zen-choi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kithai Zen-choi
Creado por Kithai Zen-choi hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.
  1. I do not think that environmental policy is fulfilling its role, because if it really was fulfilling, this law would not even have reached the congress And in my opinion I find it ridiculous to create a “idea” to deforest a part of the Amazon, the lung of our world, that is, it produces the air we breathe, keeping us alive. Putting our health, beyond biodiversity (with deforestation, the whole climate are altered) at risk, because of the profits they will receive, is not worth it! We must position ourselves and fight for the Amazon.
    1. How do you think we can fight for the Amazon?
      1. Do you think that with so many people being against this project, it will really be approved?
        1. What is the problem of deflating a small part of the Amazon forest ? What good is a giant pool of resources that we cannot enjoy? We are not Antarctica to possess a non-exploitation treaty.
        2. In today’s world, many people are greedy and this causes any chance do these such people do anything to earn money can etc., and it was so severe that many people are willing to clear a large part of the Amazon that besides affecting the biodiversity (Amazon has more than 30% of world biodiversity), deforestation affects, and the life of local populations, so we can see clearly that the project is not being long.
          1. How can you be so sure that it will only bring harm?
          2. The government is acting disqualified and meaningless in this matter. I think that after so many fights, campaigns against illegal deforestation, they have not been worth anything, if it is to put everything to waste. It is a meaningless act, because this is at stake one of the greatest assets that we still have while many have no more. If the Amazon is devastated, what will be the icon of Brazil? Since we are known for our great natural wealth, what will remain? Only beaches? Sincerely Brazil is taking a wrong and totally absurd step.
            1. Is it only our image that matters about all this?
            2. Is not right because the Amazon forest is considered as the “lungs of the world”, and this forest is considered the largest rainforest in the world and it is very important to everybody because it purifies the air and gives us oxygen.
              1. but if they removed that part of the Amazon we would run out of oxygen?
                1. But only she who is the lung of the world?
                2. No, because it’s very irresposable to deforest the biggest forest in Brazil, the Amazon gives us not just oxygen, but is one of the most diversified forests, home of lots of animal species and indigenous tribes, so it’s clearly wrong and it’s sad that or politicians don’t care about one of the most beautiful and precious things we have in our contry.
                  1. Isn’t there any other way we can get oxygen? Is oxygen actually the only thing that Amazon give to us?
                    1. If there’s so many wrong things in the world, why are people only against this?
                    2. The duty of Brazil’s environmental policy is to defend the brazilian flora and fauna, allow the deforestation of an area so big is totally wrong, showing that the brazilian environmental policy is not fulfilling your role. The Amazon forest is the largest forest in the world, deforestation is the equivalent to the size of Denmark would affect the climate worldwide, so I consider the preservation of the Amazon as something of world interest, a law with the proposal to clear something as valuable as this forest cannot be approved.
                      1. how would deforestation change the climate of the world?
                        1. What if this money is well used?
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