Upper limb (Arm)


Mind Map on Upper limb, created by Mohamed Moussawi on 23/09/2017.
Mohamed Moussawi
Mapa Mental por Mohamed Moussawi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mohamed Moussawi
Creado por Mohamed Moussawi hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Upper limb (Arm)
  1. Aorta
    1. Subclavian artery
      1. Axillary
        1. continuation of the subclavian artery : begins at the lateral border of the 1st rib and ends at the inferior border of teres major muscle.
          1. Brachial artery
            1. continuation of the axillary artery: starts from the inferior border of teres major muscle and ends in the cubital fossa. Its pulsations are palpable in the medial bicipital groove
              1. Profunda brachii
                1. Largest branch of the brachial artery
                  1. Middle collateral artery
                    1. Radial collateral artery
                    2. Humeral nutrient artery
                      1. Superior ulnar collateral artery
                        1. inferior ulnar collateral artery
                          1. Ulnar artery
                            1. Radial artery
                            2. Part 1
                              1. Superior thoracic artery
                              2. Part 2
                                1. thoraco-acromial artery
                                  1. Lateral thoracic artery
                                  2. Part 3
                                    1. The axillary artery is divided by the pectoralis minor muscles into 3 parts. The part number also indicates
                                      1. Subscapular artery
                                        1. Largest branch of the axillary artery
                                          1. circumflex scapular artery
                                            1. thoracodorsal artery
                                            2. Anterior circumflex humeral artery
                                              1. Sometimes originates from a common trunk
                                              2. Posterior circumflex humeral artery
                                                1. h
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