Elements Combine to Form Compounds


Science 10 Mapa Mental sobre Elements Combine to Form Compounds, creado por syylex403 el 24/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por syylex403, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por syylex403 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Elements Combine to Form Compounds
  1. An elements reactivity is related to the number of electrons in it outer energy level (reactivity is a chemical property, Elements in the same group or family have similar properties). Elements are most stable, or unreactive, when they have filled outer energy levels.
    1. The noble gases are very stable. They have filled outer energy levels. The noble gases neither gain nor lose electrons. Other elements are not as stable as the noble gases. These elements gain or lose electrons. They become more stable when they have the same number of electrons in their outer energy level as the nearest noble gas does.
      1. The electrons in the outer level are called Valence Electrons. The tendency to gain or lose electrons is sometimes called Valence. The term Valence Number is commonly used to describe the number of electrons an element can gain or lose to combine with other elements. Elements in the same group or family have the same number of valence electrons.This results in similar chemical properties.
        1. For example, the alkali metals lithium, sodium, and potassium are all soft, shiny metals that react vigorously with water. Each has one valence electron and is one atomic number away from a noble gas. Each loses one electron to form an ion with a 1+ charge. The loss of one electron gives them a filled outer energy level, just like the nearest noble gas.
          1. In the periodic table, from left to right across a period, atoms gain one valence electron (and one proton) with each new element. Within a period, electrons are always added to the same energy level. An element in the second period has electrons in two energy levels, and an element in the third period has electrons in three energy levels. The period number indicates the number of occupied energy levels.
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