

BTEC Health and Social Care Mapa Mental sobre Tissues, creado por Andrew Underwood el 28/09/2017.
Andrew Underwood
Mapa Mental por Andrew Underwood, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Andrew Underwood
Creado por Andrew Underwood hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Epithelial
    1. Simple
      1. Squamous
        1. Function


          • Aswell as providing a layer of protection to the cells below this sheet of cells are thin to allow the exchange of substances through them. This can be seen in the alveoli sacs in the lungs which are required to let oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through them.
          1. Structure


            • the structure of a squamous is set out in thin single sheet of cells close together on top of a basement membrane
          2. Cuboidal
            1. Structure


              • these cells are more square than the squamous cells and are usually seen in a stacked formation.which makes them able to withstand more trauma
              1. Function


                •  while still being able to facilitate diffusion through its cells. these cells can be found the kidney tubules.
              2. Columnar and ciliated columnar
                1. Structure


                  • these cells are usually positioned on either side of goblet cells. they have microvilli on the top of the cell.
                  1. Function


                    • the function of these cells are to aid in the movement of the mucus which is secreted by the goblet cells and can be commonly found in the trachea as this as used method of reducing the movement of foreign bodies into the respiratory system
                2. Compound
                  1. Keratinised
                    1. Function


                      • this acts as a form of protection and also a layer of insulation for the body.
                      1. Structure


                        • this has many layers of dead cells on its top which forms a flat surface. cuboidal cells are positioned underneath which continually divide to add more cells to the layers. this is seen on the skin
                      2. Non keratinised
                        1. Function


                          • the function of these cells are to be able to be removed through friction found in the cavity only to present new cells below
                          1. Structure


                            • these cells are found in moist cavities in the body like the mouth, cornea and the oesophagus.
                      3. Muscle
                        1. Skeletal
                          1. Structure


                            • This muscle is made up of muscle fibers which are collections of myofibrils and are attached to the bone by tendons.
                            1. Function


                              • the function of this muscle is to contract and extend the peripherial areas of the body like the arms and legs
                            2. Smooth muscle
                              1. Structure


                                • this muscle is structured differently to the skeletal and cardiac muscle, these are laid out fitting alongside each other as shown in the picture provided, the cells also change shape once they are contracted from a long body into a oval shape.
                                1. Function


                                  • this muscle is used autonomously in the body and is not under conscious control. this can be seen in organs like the stomach to churn the food inside or in the intestines to move the digested food inside along the tube
                                2. Cardiac muscle
                                  1. Structure


                                    • this muscle is structured in strands of muscle which weave in and out of each other and are interconnected to enable them to contract at the same time. the muscle present has a high number of nuclei present which speeds up the passing of information between cells.
                                    1. Function


                                      • this muscle is able to contract at the same time. this muscle is myogenic meaning that it is able to contract without the stimulus from the nervous system.
                                  2. Nervous


                                    • these tissues are used to send and receive messages to and from the brain to the rest of the body.
                                    1. Neurones


                                      • nervous tissue consists of neurones and neurglial cells. there are two different types of neurones which perform different tasks: motor and sensory. they also function differently, somatic means that the nervous tissue is under our conscious control like picking up something with your finger, autonomic which means that the nervous tissue is not under conscious control like the reflex arch
                                      1. Motor (efferent)


                                        • this nervous tissue is used to move the peripheral limbs of other parts of the body to a position decided but the brain.
                                        1. Sensory (afferent)


                                          • this nervous tissue is used to sense specific things in and around the body and send the information to brain for analysis. an example of where this nerve would be is the nose or on the tongue.
                                          1. Structure


                                            • the nervous cell is made up of several organelles. like most cells it contains a nucleus and cytoplasm which is contained my a cell membrane. this cell is able to extend around the body which is done with the use of the axon which bridges the gap between the top of the cell which has the nucleus to the nerve endings at the bottom.
                                          2. Central nervous system


                                            • this is the communication between the brain and the spinal cord
                                            1. Peripherial nerves


                                              • this is the strands of nervous tissue which spread around the body and down the peripheral entities, these nervous tissues are able to send messages to the brain
                                            2. Connective tissue
                                              1. Bone
                                                1. Structure


                                                  • the bone is a living tissue in the body and is made of of calcium salts protecting protein fibres. they are found all around body. 
                                                  1. Function


                                                    • the function of the bone is to provide support and protection to the body, assist movement and enables the person to be flexible. the inside of the bone holds the bone marrow which is in control of the production of erythrocytes, leurocytes and thrombocytes 
                                                  2. Blood
                                                    1. Structure


                                                      • blood is made up of several different components which need to be transported around the body. Blood consists of erythrocytes (red blood cells), thrombocytes (platelets), leukocytes (white blood cells) and plasma which carries the nutrients, hormones and waste products. Blood has a life span of 120 days.
                                                      1. Function


                                                        • the function of the blood is to transport materials around the body through the cardiovascular system. one of the important functions of the blood is to transport the erthrocytes around the body to the cells where they are able to transfer the oxygen they are holding and take in the carbon dioxide which the cells have emitted. other functions include transporting hormones around the body to tissues where they are needed like the organs or muscles.
                                                      2. cartilage
                                                        1. structure


                                                          • the structure of cartilage can vary depending on the type of cartilage which is required. this could be hyaline cartilage which is the most common form and is found in places like the nose, ears and trachea. Fibrous Cartilage is found in places like the intervertebral discs and the pelvis bone. elastic cartilage is flexible and able to be repeated bent and retain its shape and is found in the epiglotis and the external parts of the ear.
                                                          1. Function


                                                            • the function of cartilage is to provide structure like seen a the nose as well as flexibility which can also be seen at the nose as it enables slight movement which makes damage less likely to be done if force is pressed on it
                                                          2. areolar and adipose
                                                            1. Structure


                                                              • these are made of white sticky material which contains collagen and elastin 
                                                              1. Function


                                                                • the function of this connective tissue is to bind different tissues together like blood vessels, muscle groups and nerves
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