Confederation Government Problems


Question: What problems did the Confederation government face? Discuss the events surrounding the creation of the Constitution of the United States.
Erin Harrison
Mapa Mental por Erin Harrison, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Erin Harrison
Creado por Erin Harrison hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Confederation Government Problems
  1. Debt
    1. Confederation Government borrowed money from states and private citizens to fund the Revolutionary War
      1. the US was no longer a part of the British Empire
        1. no trade, no access to New Orleans
          1. Massachusetts farmers rebelled, demanding tax relief and no more imprisonment for debt
            1. Shays' Rebellion
              1. forced Congress to finally meet and discuss changes in 1787
          2. no money to repay those debts
        2. Weak Foreign Relations
          1. British were not obeying the Treaty of Paris
            1. United States could not enforce the Treaty of Paris
              1. British refused to remove their soldiers from British forts in the US after the war ended
            2. Weak Military
              1. the Barbary Coast pirates were taking US ships and sacking them
                1. demanded a toll in exchange for passage
                  1. US had no money or warships
              2. Governing New Territories
                1. 120,000 people moved West by 1790 into territories with no government or system
                  1. wanted protection, courts, access to markets
                    1. Land Ordinance of 1785 - land survey and sale into townships of 36 square miles for national government income
                      1. became a model for the future
                        1. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 - turning territories into states over three stages
                          1. 1) a territory with a governor and three judges appointed by Congress
                            1. 2) when the population reached 5,000 free males, it could elect a territorial legislature
                              1. 3) when the population reached 60,000 free males, it could submit a constitution and be granted equal power to the original 13 states
                    2. Result: Creating the Constitution
                      1. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison called for a convention, which was ignored until Shays' Rebellion
                        1. May 1787 - a balanced government was proposed
                          1. listed powers, not left up to Congress; two houses (Senate and House of Representatives); three branches (legislative, executive, judicial); more powers, but limited
                            1. approved on September 17, 1787
                              1. Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, and New Hampshire made the 9 votes
                                1. New York was convinced by the Federalist Papers, followed by Virginia - Rhode Island and North Carolina did not ratify until after the first election
                                  1. George Washington is President, John Adams is Vice President, the Bill of Rights is written
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