A Christmas Carol chapter summary


GCSE English Mapa Mental sobre A Christmas Carol chapter summary, creado por Michela Felice el 04/10/2017.
Michela  Felice
Mapa Mental por Michela Felice, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Michela  Felice
Creado por Michela Felice hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

A Christmas Carol chapter summary
  1. Chapter one
    1. Ebenezer Scrooge is in his counting-house. It's Christmas Eve and both he and his clerk, Bob Cratchit, are still working.
      1. Fed, Scrooge's nephew, arrives to wish his uncle a Merry Christmas and invite him to celebrate with his family.Scrooge rudely refuses his offer.
        1. Scrooge arrives home and as he's about to open his door he sees the face of Jacob Marley ( his old business partner) in the door knocker.
          1. Later that evening Marley's ghost appears in Scrooge's bedroom. Marley is wrapped in a heavy chain and doomed to endlessly roam earth.
            1. Marley says that Scrooge will suffer the same fate as him unless he changes his ways. He explains that Scrooge will be visited by three spirits and they're his only chance of saving imself.
    2. Chapter two
      1. The Ghost of Christmas past appears to Scrooge.
        1. The ghost takes Scrooge to the village where he grew up, and Scrooge sees his younger self at school, when he's spending Christmas alone.
          1. Scrooge then sees some happier Christmases: his sister Fan coming to take him home from school, and a party organsied by his old boss Mr Fezziwig.
            1. Next, Scrooge is taken to see the moment when his fiancee Belle, broke off their engagement because of Scrooge's obession with money.
              1. He then sees Belle grown up, with a family of her own.
                1. Scrooge struggles with the ghost to make it stop the visions and he's transported back to his bedroom.
      2. Chapter three
        1. The Ghost of Christmas Present arrives. It's jolly and friendly.
          1. Scrooge and the ghost visit Bob Cratchit's family, who are enjoying their Christmas day. Scrooge learns that Bob's son Tiny Tim, will die in the near future.
            1. Scrooge and the ghost travel the world, visiting other people. They're all enjoying Christmas.
              1. They then visit Fred's house. The people are making fun of Scrooge and his attitude towards Christmas.
                1. The ghost reveals two starving children hidden within his robes. The children are named Ignorance and Want- the ghost warns Scrooge to beware of them.
        2. Chapter four
          1. The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come comes to collect Scrooge.
            1. The ghost silently shows Scrooge the reaction of some people to the death of an unknown man. Nobody seems to care very much that the man is dead.
              1. An undertaker, a charwoman (cleaner) and a laundress try to sell the dead man's belongings, which they've stolen. They've even taken the shirt from his body.
                1. Scrooge and the ghost visit Bob Cratchit's family. Scrooge discovers Tint Tim has died, and the Cratchit's are very upset.
                  1. The ghost takes Scrooge to a graveyard, and points to a grave with Scrooge's name on it. Scrooge promises to the ghost that he will honour Christmas and change the course of life.
          2. Chapter five
            1. Scrooge finds himself back in his own bed. Hes discovers that it's still Christmas day.
              1. Scrooge has completely changed- he laughs and wishes passers- by a Merry Christmas. He buys the Cratchit family a huge turkey, then joins Fred and his compainions for Christmas dinner. The next day, Scrooge gives Bob a pay rise.
                1. We're told that Tiny Tim will survive, and that Scrooge celebrates Christmas for the rest of his life.
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