Crime doesn't pay


Mapa Mental sobre Crime doesn't pay, creado por Luis Acosta López el 06/10/2017.
Luis Acosta López
Mapa Mental por Luis Acosta López, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Luis Acosta López
Creado por Luis Acosta López hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Crime doesn't pay
  1. Vocabulary
    1. lock the doors and protec your wallt or pruse
      1. don't walk alone at anight, walk in well-it areas
        1. report a crime, arrest a suspect
          1. commit acrime, witnes a crime
          2. Life stories
            1. Julie writting to the manager. Julie feel safe in her new apartament. The chain lock is broken. The lights in hallway isn't working. She come late at night fromwork. She wants install a new chain lock.
            2. Grammar
              1. Gerund as subject
                1. adding ing to the base form of a verb
                  1. a gerund acts as a singular noun in a sentence
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