

Mapa Mental sobre Archaeothanatology, creado por Emma Freeman el 25/05/2013.
Emma Freeman
Mapa Mental por Emma Freeman, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Emma Freeman
Creado por Emma Freeman hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. using taphonomy to infer unkowns about burial cointent
    1. taphonomy is study of decaying organisms over time and how they become fossilized -if they do
    2. thanatology study of socio-cultural aspects of dying so archaeothanatology is study of this in archaeology
      1. Invented by Duday in 2000
        1. Paralleled with funeral archaeology except focus on taphonomic process affecting body
          1. interaction with grave goods etc after death
            1. organic objects decay leaving spaces for bones to fall into
              1. Collapse or not of ribs tells us about shape of eathern grave and if any disturbance
                1. Labile joints unstable and decompose quickly therefore move during decomposition
                  1. persistant joints take longer eg hips
                    1. hands are labile joints,still connected prob primary burial
                      1. but if disturbed still could be primary
                        1. eg if hand on stomach during burial
                    2. if skeletal remains move around can tell us of presence of voids or spaces in graves
                      1. void left by somethin that decayed eg coffin
                        1. why dont all fall?
                          1. could be restin on edges of burial cut, bottom or side
                            1. if little or no decompostion (secondary burial) bones supported by fill and prob in same position
                              1. if head restin on pillow or head rest will normally become detached and move in burial
                                1. body from Kebara Cave in Israel with adams apple in correct position suggests slow refill of soil after burial
                2. Burials of babies less than 6 months
                  1. Neonates (still or newborn)
                    1. some societies dispose of differently
                      1. still borns today not always took away and abortions too
                        1. infant with cut bones from Poundbury
                          1. Roman camp 4th c ad evidence of malnutrition in many children
                            1. sacrificial burial? pagan site here
                              1. tiny bones in ground hard to spot and if buried away from community unrepresented
                  2. Double burial-interred together or separate
                    1. ligaments dont compose for up to two years
                      1. hard to tell if buried together or one put into others arms bit later-days or months
                    2. cremation is a form of secondary burial
                      1. body burnt then ashes took elsewhere
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