Ratio of carbon dioxide produced to oxygen consumed
Provides information about fuel usage
RER = CO2 Expired per Min/O2 Consumed per Min
Value close to 1 = carbohydrates as fuel
Value close to 0.7 = fats as fuel
Value >1 = working anaerobically, more CO2 produced than O2 consumed
Requires athlete to be attached to a gas analyser or
cycle ergometer so accurate readings can be taken
VO2 Max Test
Bleep Test, Harvard Step Test, Cooper 12 min Run
Level that is reached can be compared to a chart
Sports lab can produce valid and reliable results using direct gas analysis
Increasing intensities on a treadmill, cycle ergometer or rowing machine
Tests on treadmill are accurate under lab conditions
Individual runs to exhaustion while air expired is calculated by a computer to see
how much carbon dioxide is being expired and how much oxygen is being consumed
Lactate Sampling
Taking blood sample and a device analyses the
blood & indicates how much lactate is present
Accurate, objective, qualitative data
Can give an idea of fitness levels
The higher the intensity at which lactate
threshold occurs, the fitter the performer
Allows performer to select
relevant training zones in order
to get desired training effect
Regular lactate testing provides a comparison to see if improvements have been made
Indirect Calorimetry
Measures how much carbon dioxide is produced and how
much oxygen is consumed during rest and aerobic exercise
Calculating gas volumes means we can find out the main
energy source during activity (carbohydrates, fats, etc.)