file management


Year 7 Computing Mapa Mental sobre file management, creado por Leo Falletti el 18/10/2017.
Leo Falletti
Mapa Mental por Leo Falletti, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Leo Falletti
Creado por Leo Falletti hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

file management
  1. Internet restrictions
    1. keeps you safe
      1. Stops you getting vireses
        1. stops you downloading unusefull things
        2. Windows explorer
          1. Windows button+e
            1. File Explorer is a software application for managing your files, searching them ad navigating around them
              1. When you save somthing, it will save onto there
                1. file explorer is the tab at the bottom of your page with the look of a file.
                  1. when saving something, name it correctly
                    1. do not name it 'stuff'
                      1. Do not name it 'homework 1'
                        1. if you do, it will be hard to find the right file
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