Wake up Dad (sleep apnea)


Mapa Mental sobre Wake up Dad (sleep apnea), creado por mohammed mansour el 21/10/2017.
mohammed mansour
Mapa Mental por mohammed mansour, actualizado hace más de 1 año
mohammed mansour
Creado por mohammed mansour hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Wake up Dad (sleep apnea)
  1. Anatomy of URT
    1. Neural breathing control centers
      1. Cerebral control
        1. Voluntary hypoventilation
          1. Voluntary hyperventilation
          2. Central Control
            1. Medulla
              1. Ventral neurons
                1. Expiration
                2. Dorsal neurons
                  1. Nucleus Tractus Solitarius
                3. Pons
                  1. Lower pons
                    1. Apneustic centers
                    2. Upper pons
                      1. Pneumotaxic
                  2. Receptors
                    1. Chemoreceptors
                      1. Central
                        1. Peripheral
                        2. Mechanoreceptors
                          1. Lung stretch receptors
                            1. Joint + muscle receptors
                            2. Irritant receptors
                              1. J receptors
                            3. Snoring
                              1. noisy breathing
                                1. Mechanism
                                  1. due to vibration of soft palate and its thin edges due to partial air way obstruction during inspiration
                                  2. Causes
                                    1. -Alcohol -Sleep apnea -Sleep position -Sleep deprivation
                                    2. TONSILLECTOMY
                                    3. Excessive snoring with intervals of breath cessation and arousals from sleep.
                                      1. Signs and Symptoms
                                        1. Nocturnal symptoms
                                          1. Snoring, Apneas, Gasping and choking sensations that arouse the patient from sleep, Nocturia, Insomnia
                                          2. Daytime symptoms
                                            1. Nonrestorative sleep, Excessive daytime sleepiness, Daytime fatigue, Morning confusion, Mood changes, Hypertension
                                          3. Risk factors
                                            1. Excessive weight, Family history, Male gender,
                                            2. Pathophysiology
                                              1. Obstruction
                                                1. Neurologic
                                                2. Investigation
                                                  1. Physical examination
                                                    1. Neck circumference, tonsils and tongue, septum and soft palate, blood pressure
                                                    2. Mallampati Score
                                                      1. Polysomnography
                                                        1. Records brain waves, oxygen levels, heart rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements and sleep noises during the study.
                                                      2. Management
                                                        1. CPAP
                                                          1. It gently blow pressurized air through your airway at a constant pressure that keeps the throat from collapsing.
                                                          2. Lifestyle
                                                          3. Psychological impact
                                                            1. QOL
                                                              1. Social life and work
                                                                1. economic burden
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