Stages of Swallow


Mapa Mental sobre Stages of Swallow, creado por Leigh Beth Shafer el 22/10/2017.
Leigh Beth Shafer
Mapa Mental por Leigh Beth Shafer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Leigh Beth Shafer
Creado por Leigh Beth Shafer hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Stages of Swallow
  1. 1) Oral Preparatory Stage
    1. Labial Seal
      1. Open nasal airway
        1. Mastication of Bolus
          1. Manipulation of the Bolus
            1. Tongue Cups Bolus to move to back of mouth
              1. 2) Oral Transit
                1. Move from oral prep to beginning of transit
                  1. Tongue moves bolus posteriorly
                    1. Ends when bolus reaches anterior faucial pillars
                      1. 1 second
                        1. 3. Pharyngeal Stage
                          1. Initiates when the bolus head reaches any point between the anterior faucial pillars and the point where the tongue base crosses the lower rim of the mandible
                            1. Not always true for adults over 70 and infants. They may initiate from the valleculae.
                            2. Sensory receptors in oropharynx and tongue are stimulated, sending sensory information to the cortex and brainstem to initiate the swallow.
                              1. Elevation and retraction of velum (Closes nasopharynx)
                                1. Hyolaryngeal excursion - Elevation of hyoid and larynx superiorly and anteriorly
                                  1. Closure of larynx at 3 levels • True VF adduct • Laryngeal entrance o False VF adduct o Arytenoids rock medially and forward o Thickening of epiglottis base as larynx elevates • Epiglottis retroflexion o (Makes contact with arytenoids) o (Hyolaryngeal excursion also helps retroflexion)
                                    1. Opening of c-p • (Cricopharyngeal sphincter—part of upper esophageal sphincter; opens when it is relax
                                    2. Responsible for retroflection of epiglottis and UES opening)
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