Operating Online


ICT Mapa Mental sobre Operating Online, creado por sinjinibasu.sb el 27/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por sinjinibasu.sb, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por sinjinibasu.sb hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Operating Online
  1. The Internet
    1. Communicating on the Internet
      1. Email
        1. Online Albums
          1. VoIP
            1. Instant Messaging
              1. Blogs/ Social Networking
              2. Need to set up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
                1. Cost
                  1. Bandwidth
                    1. Download Limits
                      1. Email and web space
                        1. Security
                          1. Reliability and support
                          2. Business on the Internet
                            1. Email/ IM/ VoIP
                              1. Aid collaborations
                                1. Possibility of over-reliance or misuse
                                2. Cloud computing
                                  1. Don't need to buy multiple software license
                                    1. Possible security issures with data stored third party
                                    2. Video Conferencing
                                      1. Reduces need for travel so lowers costs
                                        1. People don't communicate as well as face to face
                                      2. Learning on the Internet
                                        1. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
                                          1. News Websites
                                            1. Email, instant messaging, VoIP
                                              1. User-generated websites
                                            2. Security Measures
                                              1. Security Questions
                                                1. Challenge-response test
                                                  1. Capcha Test
                                                    1. Check that the form is not being completed automatically
                                                      1. Capchas are used to protect systems vulnerable to email spams
                                                  2. Personal Spaces
                                                    1. Rules
                                                      1. Don't post anything you don't want to make public
                                                        1. Minimise details that identify you or wherabouts
                                                          1. Keep account details private
                                                            1. Only add people you know
                                                              1. Don't use apps that use GPS functions to share location with people you dont know
                                                            2. Information Misuse
                                                              1. Spyware
                                                                1. Trojans record all of keystrokes or take pictures of screen
                                                                  1. Find out personal or financial information to commit fraud
                                                                    1. Firewalls prevent spyware being remotely downloaded
                                                                      1. Install antispyware protection software
                                                                        1. Be wary of downloading files
                                                                        2. Identity theft
                                                                          1. Phishing
                                                                            1. Cookies
                                                                              1. Small text files
                                                                                1. Stored on computer and track what is done on the website
                                                                              2. Legislation
                                                                                1. The Data Protection Act 1998
                                                                                  1. Keep information secure
                                                                                    1. Not to keep data longer than necessary
                                                                                      1. Data accurate and up to date
                                                                                        1. Not to use data without consent
                                                                                          1. Not ask for more info than necessary
                                                                                          2. Data protection rights
                                                                                            1. Check any personal data an organisation holds
                                                                                              1. Incorrect information is amended
                                                                                                1. Data should not be used in a way to harm you
                                                                                                  1. Info not used for direct marketing
                                                                                                  2. Computer Misuse Act
                                                                                                    1. Remotely log into a network or computer with intent to steal or corrupt data
                                                                                                    2. Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
                                                                                                      1. Protects people's original work from being used without permission
                                                                                                        1. All original work is copyright and the person creating a work owns the copyright
                                                                                                          1. Can use 'Creative Commons licences' to allow certain uses of their work
                                                                                                            1. Cosequences
                                                                                                              1. Proscuted
                                                                                                                1. ISP may prevent you from using the internet
                                                                                                                  1. Prison
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