Faisal with Fever and Respiratory Distress


Mapa Mental sobre Faisal with Fever and Respiratory Distress, creado por fatima alkhateeb el 28/10/2017.
fatima alkhateeb
Mapa Mental por fatima alkhateeb, actualizado hace más de 1 año
fatima alkhateeb
Creado por fatima alkhateeb hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Faisal with Fever and Respiratory Distress
  1. Anatomy
    1. Right lung
      1. Left lung
      2. Microbiology
        1. Classification
        2. Pneumonia
          1. Inflammation of the lungs
            1. Epidemeology
              1. Signs and symptoms
                1. Productive cough
                  1. Fever
                    1. Chest pain
                      1. Dyspnea
                      2. Types
                        1. HAP
                          1. HCAP
                            1. VAP
                            2. CAP
                              1. Lobar
                                1. Bronchopneumonia
                                  1. Atypical
                                    1. Physical examination
                                      1. Palpation
                                        1. Auscultation
                                          1. Percussion
                                          2. Investigations
                                            1. Blood tests
                                              1. Chest X-ray
                                                1. Sputum test
                                            2. Congestion
                                              1. Red hepatization
                                                1. Grey Hepatization
                                                  1. Resolution
                                          3. Causes
                                            1. Bacteria
                                              1. Viruses
                                                1. Fungi
                                                2. Risk factors
                                                  1. Extremeties of age
                                                    1. Decreased immunity
                                                    2. Complications
                                                      1. Lung abcess
                                                      2. Management
                                                        1. B-lactam
                                                          1. Macrolids
                                                            1. Fluoroquinolones
                                                              1. Vaccines
                                                            2. LRTIs
                                                              1. URTIs
                                                                1. The Common Cold
                                                                  1. Rhinorrhea and nasal obstruction
                                                                    1. Causes
                                                                      1. Transmittion
                                                                        1. Direct contact
                                                                          1. Droplet
                                                                          2. Management
                                                                          3. Pharyngitis
                                                                            1. Sore throat, fever and acute pharyngeal inflammation
                                                                              1. Causes
                                                                                1. Bacterial
                                                                                  1. Group A streptococcus
                                                                                  2. Viral
                                                                                    1. Adenovirus
                                                                                2. Croup
                                                                                  1. acute viral infection of the URT presenting as stridor and a brassy cough
                                                                                    1. Causes
                                                                                      1. Therapy
                                                                                        1. Systemic c0rticosteroids
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