Lecture (1)


Mind Map on Cellular communication, created by Hamza Al Salmi on 30/10/2017.
Hamza Al Salmi
Mapa Mental por Hamza Al Salmi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Hamza Al Salmi
Creado por Hamza Al Salmi hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Lecture (1)
  1. Levels of structural complexity
    1. 1- chemical level 2- cellular level 3- tissue level 4- organ level 5- system level 6- organismal level
    2. The shape of a cell serves its function
      1. For example : - sperm cell - smooth muscle cell - nerve cell - RBC - Epithelial cell
      2. Cell-cell communication
        1. Cell (1) : send signal in a shape of hormone. Cell (2) : a- receive the signal via receptors on the plasma membrane. b- send it inside. c- translate it via biochemical machinery.
        2. Typical structure of a cell
          1. The Nucleus
            1. -
            2. The cytoplasm
              1. Organelles
                1. Endoplasmic Reticulum
                  1. Rough ER
                    1. - Ribosomes-attached (Protein synthesis) and ER for processing and sorting . - synthesize phospholipids .
                    2. Smooth ER
                      1. - Extend from rough ER. - synthesize fatty acids and steroids. - contain enzymes that detoxify drugs. - store Ca ion that triggers contraction in muscle cells .
                    3. Mitochondria
                      1. - The power house. - Has its own DNA (from mother )
                      2. Golgi complex
                        1. Proteins are : 1- Modified. 2- Sorted. 3- Packed.
                        2. Ribosomes
                          1. Protein synthesis 1- free (used in cytosol). 2- attached to ER (secretion outside the cell).
                          2. Lysosomes
                            1. - Form from Golgi complex. - Hydrolytic enzymes. - Carry out : 1- autophagy. 2- autolysis. 3- extracellular digestion.
                          3. The cytosol
                            1. - 55% of cell volume. - site of chemical reaction. - contains dissolved particles .
                          4. The cell membrane
                            1. Introduction
                              1. Arrangement of membrane proteins (Structurally)
                                1. Integral Proteins
                                  1. Peripheral Proteins
                                  2. Functions of membrane proteins (Functionally)
                                    1. 1- Ion channel (Integral) 2- Carrier/Transporters (Integral) 3- Receptor (Integral) 4- Enzyme (Integral and peripheral) 5- Linker (Integral and peripheral) 6- Cell identity marker (glycoprotein)
                                2. The cytoskeleton
                                  1. The Microfilaments
                                    1. Intermediate filaments
                                      1. The Microtubules
                                      2. Cell junction
                                        1. e- Hemidesmosomes
                                          1. d- Desmosomes
                                            1. c- Adherens junction
                                              1. b- Gap junction
                                                1. a- Tight junction
                                                2. Cellular communication
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