Aunt Julia


Mapa Mental sobre Aunt Julia, creado por Euan Gregson el 03/11/2017.
Euan Gregson
Mapa Mental por Euan Gregson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Euan Gregson
Creado por Euan Gregson hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Aunt Julia
  1. metaphors
    1. 'she was bucket/ And water flouncing into them'
      1. Julia's vitality and energy from word choice of 'flouncing'
      2. 'she was winds pouring wetly round house-end'
        1. conveys stormy weather, and reinforces her link with nature and tradition
        2. 'while her right hand drew yarn marvellously out of the air'
          1. intensity of childhood memory- sense of child's wonder at her skill
            1. reniforces Julia's work ethic and traditional skill
          2. word choice
            1. 'paddling' with the 'treadle' of the spinning wheel
              1. paddling - up and down movement as she works the spinning wheel, mirrors the movement of the treadle 'paddle' links with water
              2. 'I can see her strong foot stained with peat'
                1. poet's memories are vivid. Draws our attention to physical detail. Develops our understanding of her connection with the land and the traditional way of life
                2. In the absolute black of a sandy grave
                  1. intensifies darkness of the grave. Reminds us of 'box bed' - but no friendly noises here
                3. sentence structure
                  1. repitition
                    1. And getting angry, getting angry
                      1. Poet's sense of regret is clear - he was too late. his and Julia's frustrations at the language barrier is very emotive
                      2. I could not answer her - i could not understand her
                        1. establishes gulf between the young MacCaig and his aunt
                          1. Emphasises their difficulty in communicating
                          2. Aunt Julia ... very fast
                            1. reflection of her life
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