
BLOCK 2 Mapa Mental sobre DEINSTITUTIONALISATION, creado por Jen Collins el 28/05/2013.
Jen Collins
Mapa Mental por Jen Collins, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Jen Collins
Creado por Jen Collins hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. reasons for
    1. emergence of diff types of provider
      1. NHS and Community Care Act
        1. 1970 Local Health Authorities Act
          1. est single social services dept in each local authority
        2. concern over costs of funding residential care
          1. was felt by Thatcher g'ment that community care was cheaper
          2. 1990 NHS and Community Care Act
            1. Disability Rights Movement
              1. started 1970's
                1. led to User movement in 1980's which was run by learning diffs
              2. 1998 Wagner Report
                1. buildings based services were inflexible
                  1. little provision made for those who had lived at home with parents and faced inevitable life changing event (parents death)
                    1. wld prob end up in homes
                2. G'ment valuing people strategy
                  1. 1st attempt by g'ment to include voices of learning diffs and carers
                    1. championed Rights, Independance, voice, inclusion
                      1. aimed for
                        1. more choice
                          1. supporting carers
                            1. improving health
                              1. housing fulfilling lives + employment
                                1. quality services
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                            ATTACHMENT THEORY: JOHN BOWLBY
                            Jen Collins
                            Jen Collins
                            TOTAL INST characteristics
                            Jen Collins
                            BLOCK 2 - KEY PEOPLE
                            Jen Collins
                            Life experinece as everyday talk
                            Identity and attachment
                            CHANGING IDENTITIES
                            Jen Collins
                            is lennox castle total inst
                            Jen Collins
                            REMEMBERING AND IDENTITY
                            Jen Collins
                            LENNOX CASTLE
                            Jen Collins
                            ORAL HISTORY
                            Jen Collins