Alternative Narrative Ideas


Mapa Mental sobre Alternative Narrative Ideas, creado por Cailin A Level Media Studies el 09/11/2017.
Cailin A Level Media Studies
Mapa Mental por Cailin A Level Media Studies, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Cailin A Level Media Studies
Creado por Cailin A Level Media Studies hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Alternative Narrative Ideas
  1. Dog Walk
    1. They could bump into each other whilst on seperate dog walks.
      1. Dogs may be challenging to film
        1. Something in common for them to bond over, gives opportunity for future meets to take place.
        2. Gig
          1. We could have our indie female attend a gig by the artist and have them meet there.
            1. This highlights how the artist is growing and also allows for more performance aspects.
              1. This is a planned event and decreases the accidental feel of their meet.
              2. Coffee Shop
                1. The could accidentally bump into each other at a coffee shop.
                  1. Highlights the fact our characters are very similar through an accidental meet.
                    1. Very similar to the places he would go with his ex girlfriend - not very "special"
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