Yasser is falling behind


Mapa Mental sobre Yasser is falling behind, creado por shahid alzaghari el 10/11/2017.
shahid alzaghari
Mapa Mental por shahid alzaghari, actualizado hace más de 1 año
shahid alzaghari
Creado por shahid alzaghari hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Yasser is falling behind
  1. Yasser 2 years 1 month old
    1. Main diagnosis
      1. Growth Hormone Deficiency
        1. Growth hormone
          1. Produced (somatotrophs) and secreted in
            1. exerts effects on almost all tissues
              1. Adipose tissue
                1. Cartilage
                  1. Bone
                    1. Liver
                      1. Muscles
                        1. Indirectly
                          1. Directly
                            1. 191 amino acids-polypeptide chain-2 internal disulfide bridges
                              1. The pituitary gland does not make enough growth hormone
                                1. Criteria to Initiate Evaluation for GHD
                                2. Clinical presentation:
                                  1. Congenital
                                    1. Exaggerated jaundice in the first days
                                      1. Growth failure
                                        1. Slower developmental milestones
                                          1. Reduced energy
                                            1. Impaired concentration
                                              1. Memory loss
                                      2. Acquired
                                        1. Delayed puberty
                                          1. Baldness in men
                                            1. Reduced bone mass and osteoperosis
                                              1. Reduced energy
                                                1. Increased body fats (around waist line)
                                      3. Epidemiology
                                        1. 3-10 in every 100 babies are born smaller than normal
                                        2. Investications:
                                          1. Growth chart
                                            1. Normal
                                              1. GHD
                                              2. Physical examination
                                                1. Tests:
                                                  1. Blood tests
                                                    1. GH
                                                      1. IGF-1
                                                        1. CBC
                                                          1. Serum protein
                                                          2. Karyotyping
                                                            1. X-ray
                                                              1. Left wrist
                                                          3. Treatment
                                                      2. Anatomy and histology of pituitary gland
                                                        1. Brain
                                                          1. Forebrain
                                                            1. Diencephalon
                                                              1. Ventral: hypothalamus
                                                                1. Pituitary gland
                                                                  1. Hypothalamic nuclei and neuroendocrine cells
                                                                    1. Adenohypophysis
                                                                      1. Pars distalis
                                                                        1. Pars intermedia
                                                                          1. Pars tuberalis
                                                                          2. Neurohypophysis
                                                                            1. Pars nervosa
                                                                              1. Infundibular stem
                                                                                1. Median eminence
                                                                          1. NORMAL growth rate
                                                                            1. Height
                                                                              1. Weight
                                                                                1. yasser was taken to the M&CH center (maternity hospital) where they get so many services and check the child health and normal growing
                                                                                  1. Services:
                                                                                    1. All pediatric services
                                                                                      1. Emergency services
                                                                                        1. and others....
                                                                                      2. Follow the patient up
                                                                                        1. To increase compliance
                                                                                          1. To adjust the doses
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                                                                                          Latín - Vocabulario Básico
                                                                                          maya velasquez
                                                                                          Criterios generales de evaluación de la Selectividad: Comentarios de Texto
                                                                                          maya velasquez
                                                                                          JL Cadenas
                                                                                          ANIMALES INVERTEBRADOS
                                                                                          Patssy Juliana Cabrera Rachen
                                                                                          Sistema Nervioso
                                                                                          Carlos Enrique Armas Montoro
                                                                                          Cáncer de Mama
                                                                                          Luz Moor
                                                                                          TÁCTICA 1.1 HISTORIA Y TRADICIONES
                                                                                          antonio del valle
                                                                                          Parte General Código Penal
                                                                                          MJ Maza
                                                                                          mapa mental de ondas
                                                                                          Jorge Restrepo Arias
                                                                                          Tejidos animales
                                                                                          Enrique Bravo
                                                                                          Estructura Titulo V. Revisión actos en vía administrativa, Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre de procedimiento administrativo común
                                                                                          Javier A