Growth Hormone


Mapa Mental sobre Growth Hormone, creado por Yousaf Alabrash el 11/11/2017.
Yousaf Alabrash
Mapa Mental por Yousaf Alabrash, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Yousaf Alabrash
Creado por Yousaf Alabrash hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Growth Hormone
  1. site of origin
    1. Pituitary gland
      1. anatomy
        1. anterior lobe
          1. paras anterior
            1. acidophils
              1. somatotropes
                1. secrete GH
                2. lactotropes
                  1. secrete prolactin
                3. basophils
                  1. gonadotrophes
                    1. FSH and LH
                    2. cotricotrophes
                      1. ACTH
                      2. thyrotropes
                        1. TSH
                      3. chromophopes
                      4. paras intermediate
                        1. colloid filled cysts
                          1. secrete MSH
                        2. paras distalis
                          1. portal venules system
                            1. at medial eminence
                          2. posterior lobe
                            1. paras nervosa
                              1. infundibulum
                                1. medial emenince
                            2. infundiblum
                              1. connection with
                                1. hypothalamus
                        3. release of GH
                          1. physiology of hormone release
                            1. hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract
                              1. 1-hypothalamic nucleus secrete hormones
                                1. supraoptic--oxytocin
                                  1. paraventricular -- ADH
                                    1. 2-released into the axons
                                      1. 3-stored in paras nervosa to be released when needed
                                2. hypophyseal portal system
                                  1. 1-neuroendocrine cells in the hypothalamus secrete hormones
                                    1. releasing hormones
                                      1. inhibiting hormones
                                        1. 2-released into the axons
                                          1. 3-at he medial eminence, they get released into the portal venules to be carried to the anterior pituitary to stimulate or inhibit its hormonal releases
                                      2. factors that regulate GH secretion
                                        1. pattern of release: pulsatile
                                  2. actions on the organs level
                                    1. metabolic actions
                                      1. CHO
                                        1. hyperglycemic effect
                                          1. muscles+adipocytes
                                            1. -- glucose utilization
                                              1. because of decreased sensitivity to insulin due to ++fatty acids level
                                                1. GH
                                            2. liver-++ gluconeogenesis
                                          2. LIPID
                                            1. increase lipid catabolism
                                              1. adipocytyes
                                                1. stimulate Hormone sensitive lipase to breakdown the fats
                                                  1. ++oxidation of fatty acids
                                                2. liver
                                                  1. stimulate ketogenesis (because of excess acetyl Coa)
                                                    1. inhibit lipogenesis
                                              2. PROTEIN
                                                1. INCREASE protein anabolism
                                                  1. muscles
                                                    1. ++ aminoacids transport across membranes
                                                      1. ++ RNA translation into proteins by ribosomes
                                                        1. ++ DNA transcription into RNA to make proteins
                                                          1. DECREASE PROTEIN cataqbolism (protein sparing)
                                                    2. growth
                                                      1. go to liver and generate IGF-1
                                                        1. growth of bone
                                                          1. width
                                                            1. stimulate osteoblasts
                                                              1. increase bone desposition on the surface
                                                                1. increase in bone thickness
                                                            2. length
                                                              1. increase the metabolism of chondrocytes
                                                                1. increase the secretion of cartilage in the epiphyseal cartilage
                                                                  1. increase the conversion of this cartilage into bone
                                                        2. actions in the cell-- 3 signal transduction pathways
                                                          1. JAK/STAT pathway
                                                            1. MAPK and PI3K/PKB pathways
                                                        3. pathologies and their treatment
                                                          1. GH excess
                                                            1. before epiphyseal closure
                                                              1. gigantism
                                                                1. increase in length to 8-9 feet
                                                                  1. all tissue of the body growth rapidly
                                                                    1. hypopituitarism
                                                              2. after epiphyseal closure
                                                                1. acromegaly
                                                                  1. increase in bone thickness
                                                                    1. growth in soft tissue (heart-kidney)
                                                                2. main cause: GH secreting tumor
                                                                  1. treatment
                                                                    1. main line is surgery-2nd line: radiation
                                                                      1. 3rd line: pharmacological
                                                                        1. Somatostatin analog
                                                                          1. octreoline
                                                                          2. Dopamine agonists
                                                                            1. bromocreptine
                                                                            2. GH receptor antagonists
                                                                              1. pigvisomant
                                                                      2. GH deficiency
                                                                        1. main cause: hypopituitarism
                                                                          1. child
                                                                            1. pituitary dwarfism
                                                                              1. patient becomes very short-sexual functions might be imparied
                                                                            2. adult
                                                                              1. generalized symptoms
                                                                                1. decrease muscle mass - obesity -lack of energy - accelerated aging
                                                                              2. treatment
                                                                                1. depends on the cause
                                                                                  1. GH is deficient
                                                                                    1. recombinent hGH
                                                                                      1. Saizen
                                                                                    2. IGF-1 is deficient
                                                                                      1. rIGF-1
                                                                                        1. Mecasermin
                                                                                      2. Hypothalamic damage
                                                                                        1. Synthesitic GHRH
                                                                                          1. Sermorelin
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