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Hitler's rise to power
GCSE (Germany 1890 - 1945) History Mapa Mental sobre Hitler's rise to power, creado por Megan Leek el 19/11/2017.
Sin etiquetas
germany 1890 - 1945
Mapa Mental por
Megan Leek
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
Megan Leek
hace más de 7 años
Resumen del Recurso
Hitler's rise to power
Election results
Role of Papen and Hindenburg
Hindenburg = President
Von Papen = Chancellor (1932)
Schleicher took over
Did not have Hitler's support
Proposed that Hitler became Chancellor
Believed he could be controlled
Reichstag Fire 27/2/1933
Reichstag set on fire
Blamed on a Dutch Communist
von der Lubbe
Communist plot
Removed communist support
Used Article 48
Imprisonment without trial
Ended freedoms guarenteed by state
Police = total control
Gave Hitler the power to arrest
Oppurtunity to remove political opponents
General elections 5/3/1933
44% voted Nazi
Arrested 81 communist deputies
Nationalist and Centre joined Nazi
Only SPD to oppose (Majority)
Enabling Act 23/3/1933
Laws without consultation of Reichstag
Stopped opposition entry
Beat up those who spoke against Hitler
passed 444 => 94
Taking over of Local goverment + Trade Unions 26/4 => 2/5
Replaced teachers, judges, police
Set up the Gestapo
Secret police
Reported Grumblers
"undesirable" sent to concentration camps
Workers holiday 1/5
Seized control of trade unions
Confiscated money
Replaced by DAF ( German Labour Front)
Banning of Political Parties (14/7/34)
Law against Formation of Political Parties
Signed Concordat
Leave Catholic church alone
The Night of the Long Knives 30/6/34
Ernst Roehm = leader
Dislike Hitler
Wanted SA to be new German army
Many wanted a National Socialist Revolution
Hitlists compiled
Himmler, Heydrich and Goering
Himmler = leader of SS
SS and police arrest dozens of SA leaders
Killed in homes
Roehm and Strasser shot
Ex-Chancellor Schleicher also killed
1000 dead
Death of Hindenburg
Declared himself Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor
Army Oath
The army swore their loyalty to Hitler
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