Chapter 14- Thermal physics


Mapa Mental sobre Chapter 14- Thermal physics, creado por Connor O'Hare el 21/11/2017.
Connor O'Hare
Mapa Mental por Connor O'Hare, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Connor O'Hare
Creado por Connor O'Hare hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Chapter 14- Thermal physics
  1. The triple point of a substance- "one specific temperature where the 3 phases of matter exist in thermal equilibrium"
    1. Thermal equilibrium- "A state in which there is no net flow of thermal energy between the objects involved"
      1. Objects in thermal equilibrium must be at the same temperature
        1. Zeroth law- "If 2 objects are each in thermal equilibrium with a third, then all 3 are in thermal equilibrium with each other
    2. Celsius scale
      1. °C
        1. Uses triple point of water and absolute zero
          1. Increment change is the same size as the Celsius scale
            1. K=θ°C+273
            2. Absolute scale
              1. Kelvin (K)
                1. Uses 2 fixed points (Boiling water & freezing point of water
                  1. 100 increments (Between 0°C and 100°C)
                  2. The Kinetic model
                    1. There are 3 main phases
                      1. Solid
                        1. Liquid
                          1. Gas
                        2. Internal energy- "The sum of the randomly distributed kinetic and potential energies of atoms/molecules within the substance
                          1. Kinetic energy is determined by the temperature of the susbstance
                            1. Forces of attraction between particles determines potential energy (This is always negative)
                            2. Specific heat capacity
                              1. "The energy required per unit mass to change the temperature by 1K/1°C
                                1. Jkg^-1K^-1
                                  1. c=E/(m*Δθ)
                                    1. Water has exceptionally high specific heat capacity
                                    2. Specific latent heat
                                      1. "The energy required to change the phase per unit mass while at constant temperature"
                                        1. L=E/m
                                          1. A substance still requires energy to change phase even when at its melting or boiling point.
                                          2. Specific latent heat of fusion (Lf)
                                            1. Solid--> Liquid
                                            2. Specific latent heat of vapourisation (Lv)
                                              1. Liquid--> Gas
                                              2. For this to occur the other way the substance must transfer the latent heat energy to its surroundings
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